DeLong Park Planning
Consultation has concluded

Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting, June 7 at 5:30 p.m.
It's finally happening! Please join city officials for the DeLong Park Ribbon Cutting on Tuesday, June 7 at 5:30 p.m. at 395 23rd Street.
Golden Parks and Recreation is using DeLong Park as a pilot project for the City’s first organic park location. This means that we will be using only natural, organic products for all plants and grasses. No synthetic chemicals will be used in our maintenance practices.
A group of weed-busting volunteers meets weekly at DeLong Park on Thursday mornings from 8 to 10 a.m. to weed out invasive species--interested community members can join the group on Thursday mornings and be on the lookout for more information about formally signing up to help keep DeLong Park pesticide-free as a volunteer.
11/22/2021 DeLong Park Construction Update
DeLong Park is 85% complete and looking wonderful! Because of supply chain challenges, we are waiting on several key elements of the park. These include play features, shelter, 24th St. stair treads, benches and trash receptacles.
After the play structures are installed, there needs to be a poured-in-place safety surface installed. The safety surface installation requires higher ambient temperatures not normally found in winter months; temperature affects the secure application of the surface and the ability to be guaranteed by the installer.
As a result of all this, the park will likely remain closed until all installations are completed. The construction contractors remain responsible for the Park until the City accepts completed work. Communications between staff, engineers, and contractors regarding a soft opening continues. However, due to safety and liability, the contractor currently chooses to keep the site closed until their work is complete. It is anticipated that the opening will occur in late March or April. The City is planning a ribbon-cutting celebration in May.
Golden Parks and Recreation is using DeLong Park as a pilot project for our first organic park location. This means that we will be using only natural, organic products for all plants and grasses. No synthetic chemicals will be used in our maintenance practices. Volunteers will be used to assist with weeding and other labor-intensive practices. Look for further details on Guiding Golden as they become available.
10/6/2021 DeLong Park Construction Update
It is beginning to look a lot like a park! The construction team poured the concrete perimeter trail, placed boulders for the play area, installed rock benches, and planted trees. Next week they will seed, lay sod, fertilize, and pour a concrete pad for the picnic shelter. City staff has been informed that due to supply chain challenges, there will be delays on the delivery of some of the amenities. This will push the grand opening out to early spring.
7/22/2021 DeLong Park Construction Update
Please be advised that Saturday construction will begin this weekend. We anticipate contractors to be on-site between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. If loud machinery noise is required, however, it will not begin until after 8:30 a.m.
Thank you for your patience as we move further into the development of the park.
7/9/2021 DeLong Park Construction Update
The property looks a little different. A number of trees were scheduled for removal and additional trees were required to come down after the City Forester performed a thorough inspection. Significant decay was found in some of the trees and they were not safe or sustainable to keep in a park or playground setting. The two silver maples and the Douglas-fir, however, will be protected during construction.
6/23/2021 DeLong Park Construction Update
Construction for DeLong Park is now underway with a completion date sometime in October. Neighbors will see contractors from Designscapes in the area. Park amenities include play features, a picnic shelter, tables and benches, an open turf area, a pollinator garden and native grass areas. Staff is also looking at the park as a pilot test site for use of organic materials and methods to manage the turf.
In December 2017 the City purchased the Delong property at 395 23rd Street for the purpose of creating a neighborhood park, which will fill a void in the parks master planning process for the community. The new neighborhood park will be located on 23rd Street, between East Street and Table Heights Drive. The planning process for the new park is just beginning. The area is a blank slate with no plans currently in place; the Parks, Recreation and Museums Advisory Board (PRMAB) is seeking public input on how the area should be developed.
The intent of the public process is to generate ideas from the community. For questions on the public process, please contact Stacy Turner, 303-384-8191 or
I live near DeLong Park and grew up across the street from a 5.5 acre park. I'd love to see a larger playground equipment and swings. The nearest park with swings is not within a reasonable walking distance. My parents will often take my son to the park across the street from their house just for the swings.
The design looks very nice so far!
I concur with other commenters that the first playground option (cypress) is the most exciting and seems most appropriate for Golden. I also agree that we should have at least 1 amenity targeting older kids (large climbing boulder or small basketball court) Keep up the great work, so excited for this park!
We love the plans for the park. We especially like the first playground area option (cypress), second runner up for us would be the second playground option (eagles nest). We do wish there could be a basketball court or a larger boulder for climbing for older kids and teens. Lastly, I agree with Edward Nunez about the attention to detail when putting together the different pieces of the park, especially in regards to color and style. I agree that the benches look more like something that would appear in a big city on the East Coast than what we'd expect to see out here in the West. It would be nice if they were an earthier style and I would say the same for the bridge. Thanks for all the hard work you're doing on this project-- it is shaping up to be amazing and a true asset to the neighborhood.
I attended the presentation by the park designer on Jan 22nd. I think the plan presented is indeed a good one and incorporates so many of the comments from people living near the park.
I absolutely agree with the female committee member that said that with so many items purchased from different companies, it is important to select items that work well with each other for a cohesive feel. I would go further, that the purchased items also provide a natural feel, a western feel.
I believe it is this attention to detail and the execution that will determine if this is a special park not just a good one. Details like the right earth tones for the rubber play area, the right play equipment (I vote for the fun and earthy “CYPRESS CANYON”play structure, bench swings that look like they belong in the west (the bench swing in the presentation decks looks like it belongs in Washington DC or London) and even the right trash cans, perhaps grey, or brown, not blue like the ones in the presentation deck.
The one item that I would like to see modified IS TO HAVE THE GRASS TURF AREA BE LIMITED TO THE BACK OF THE PARK in a rounded rectangle (or some form of curves) AND NOT EXTEND OUT TO THE SHELTER AND ALMOST TO THE STREET. I spoke to the designer and he agreed this idea has real merit. I believe that there were maintenance issues that have the grass extending out to the shelter and beyond towards the street, or another reason, but it wasn’t for good aesthetics. There is nothing natural looking about grass turf that needs mowing. As currently laid out, the grass turf will make Delong Park look like just another nondescript park.
For my dream request, I would like to suggest that some mounding be installed on the north side of the turf area to hide the turf. So from the street you don’t see the turf or very little. I borrowed this concept from the architectural masterpiece, the Gamble House in Pasadena. The Gamble House plan called for a semi-circular driveway in the front of the house but the architects designed a smooth grassy knoll that blocked any hint of the driveway. From the street it looks like a smooth grassy knoll with the house right behind it. But the driveway was there and as convenient and useful as any driveway (to see photos, The grass turf area in DeLong park could also be hidden by mounding/and grasses to provide a natural look, but it would be there, as convenient and useful as the current design it would provide a unique and natural look.
This is great! So happy to have this nearby. I would echo others that desire bouldering elements to target older kids, teens, and even adults. As it is, it seems like it is overly skewed to younger children.
I really wish there wasn't going to be a playground. This doesn't allow for multi-generational use. There are plenty of parks around Golden with playgrounds. This is only inclusive for those who have children and children young enough to use the playground. As someone who lives next to the park I would prefer not to hear screaming children during the day.
Hey - the new park plan looks great! Nice work all around. Quick question: it looks like the "bouldering elements" concept was on the top of the list in the poll, but didn't really get included in the plan. A couple of the playground options have some kids-bouldering-type features, but there isn't really an option for the young adult crowd. Check out the bouldering park in Buena Vista as an example. Is it too expensive to add a boulder? Could that option be included in the next playground voting poll? It's something that Golden doesn't yet have anywhere, but is really popular throughout Colorado. Thanks!
We went to the meeting last night and liked the 1st playground area option. Is there a place where people can vote on their preferred option? We'd rather not see any plastic play structures. Kids love rocks (in this case manufactured rock and tree structures). The plan looks great. It is good to see so many of the comments were listened to and incorporated.
Concept 2 is reasonable, need covered play area for all the young children In the neighborhood. Portapotti on west side of playground, swings, exercise area for adults, covered picnic tables. No sand too many cats in neighborhood, no boulders too many rattlesnakes from mountain, half basketball court would be nice, can’t wait to have a park in my neighborhood, I’ve been here over 30 years so it’s about time. Thank you Delongs and Golden.
I think the young children and families need a safe place to play and gather off the street, with covered playground, picnic tables, swings, bike track and climbing structure. A grill would be helpful. Exercise area for adults. If there is a port o potty it should not be near the homes but closer to the ditch. So happy to be getting a park near My home.
I appreciated the opportunity to meet regarding DeLong Park. After listening to the most recent discussion, I envision:
1. The addition of a few benches; however, leaving the area in a relatively natural state
2. Allowing access only from 23rd Street.
To Parks & Rec. staff: Thanks for your efforts thus far! :) John McEncroe
Please consider being efficient with water when building the park using alternatives like subsurface irrigation, etc....
To appeal to a wide range of demographics and stay consistent with the historical nature of the site, we are generally in support of a more natural focused plan depicted in Concept #1 although without large picnic or shade structures & other high maintenance amenities. The nearby Southridge park already provides active sports play and picnic structure, and Discovery Park is an excellent source of interpretive play.
Preferred amenities for DeLong Park are wooden bridge, small turf area surrounded by native grasses and a walking path that can transition into single track hike/bike on the hills, and the educating pollinator and xeric garden beds. Small play area or structure for younger children and possibly a unique element like tire swing on the large tree for older age groups. We echo the Stoecker's sentiments in not providing any public restroom facilities on the site, due to relatively small size of park and the close proximity to many neighboring residents.
I live very close to the park and have a 3 year old. I would like a play structure for him to enjoy for years to come. I am very opposed to having any toilet facilities at the park.