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Levels of Engagement

Every project is different. There will be varying levels of engagement used to collaborate with our community, and we expect that as we learn more about what works, we will revise the tools we use for engagement.

Guiding Golden has four basic levels of engagement, and a variety of tools that will be used intermittently between those levels. They range from basic distribution of information, to continued partnerships with community members. To make sure we set and meet expectations, look for the symbols below on each project to see how you can get involved. Remember, as projects happen, engagement opportunities come and go. So keep watching for your chances to participate!

Levels of Engagement

Every project is different. There will be varying levels of engagement used to collaborate with our community, and we expect that as we learn more about what works, we will revise the tools we use for engagement.

Guiding Golden has four basic levels of engagement, and a variety of tools that will be used intermittently between those levels. They range from basic distribution of information, to continued partnerships with community members. To make sure we set and meet expectations, look for the symbols below on each project to see how you can get involved. Remember, as projects happen, engagement opportunities come and go. So keep watching for your chances to participate!


Give us your comments or feedback about what projects you would like to see on Guiding Golden!

NOTE: This tool only allows users to post feedback. Users cannot comment on or like/dislike other user's feedback, and staff is unable to respond to comments made on this thread. If you would like a response, please visit our Ask Golden page.

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Please eliminate the parking on Jackson between 11th and 12th. It is impossible for 2 cars when large vehicles are parked in part of the street. A 3-way stop sign at Jackson and 11th Street may reduce the number of u-turns at that corner.
Thank you

mkplj 4 months ago

HI there,
I'm unable to attend the Highway Noise Mitigation meeting tonight. However, I would like to bring attention to the highway noise at Applewood Park. I live in the Applewood Grove neighborhood and my address is technically in Golden. Applewood Park is highly used, and is so beautiful. The intense highway noise there really is unfortunate, and could be mitigated with a noise barrier. I'd love to see plans for this.

JuliePS about 1 year ago

How can residents get involved in helping engage the community about new developments. I just attended one of your planning commission meetings/hearings on October 19th. I heard your team say that you could not get any feedback from communities that are going to be changed with new development like Golden Terrace. I have some ideas and I'd like to help and encourage the residents, like myself, that will be affected by good and bad developments. I am wondering if it's a 'trust' issue. Maybe having residents engaging with other residents would be more successful?

Jack_Simon about 2 years ago

Regarding kitchen gardens, please check this site out
Top 10 Kitchen gardens nationaltrust.org.uk
Just to get an idea of world class serenity and education through nature while meeting some of our human needs.

Patricia about 2 years ago

I do believe in conservation of open spaces and nurturing there natural ecological well being. They are vital and essential to sustaining life These open spaces in good health will be resilience needed to adapt and endure climate change; giving future generations hope and meaningful connection to them. Promoting that endearing legacy and wonder even if it is conserving there right to developers open space for there essential needs in the future.
Acknowledging the need for innovative commerce that promote good health to our natural environments ecology, sustainability and adds human value to it. Alternatives may be in restoration of historical agriculture sites and create growing environments that will support kitchen garden cafe’s, urban and inner city agriculture, native and cultural foods, farm to table and permaculture methodologies that can still support the vital and essential earth systems needs of our communities.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Davis

Patricia about 2 years ago

The expansion plan for the 6th and Heritage intersection.

Jackzwit about 2 years ago

I would love to see a 4 way stop put in at 12th and Jackson. This is an intersection that is almost impossible to tell if there is traffic coming without moving into the street to check both ways. Confusion on right of way, with a mix of pedestrians ( 2 legged and 4), bicycles ( almost got clobbered by one stepping out to check traffic), and dense number of cars parked on the street make this intersection very dangerous. Seems like a couple xtra stop signs would be an easy fix.

Abailey523 over 2 years ago

Please stripe the bike paths in high traffic areas to keep walkers and bikes separated. Thank you

vernecarlson over 2 years ago

Please budget some money to put powerlines underground. Thank you

vernecarlson over 2 years ago

looking for the Survey

richarddreher over 2 years ago

Hi -
Please allow for the future. Don't return Golden to the past. Don't preserve the status quo. Golden was stuck from the 1960's through the 1990's. Don't preclude development, infill, accessory units, set back exceptions in the core, variances and more. Allow for zero lot lines in alleys, higher densities, higher building heights and other infill towards affordability, walkability, sustainable, green, and minimal turf. Don't promote exclusivity and NIMBY. Allow for the special existing character of the urban core to change and get denser. Thank you! Jerry Orten

maintainrepairreplaceimprove about 3 years ago

I have really enjoyed participating in the Heritage Rd- Hwy 6 intersection meeting. The online presentation is great, and the voting and immediate feedback is very engaging. As someone who has never paticipated in civic meetings like this, I really appeciate this method. I hope to attend more on-line meetings like this, rather than in-person meeting. Some of us are hesitant to engage during in-person mettings, but are encouraged to exrpess themselves in the online forum. Keep up the great work!

Jack R

jack.riley over 3 years ago

I would like to see the codes for landscaping requirements on new developments addressed and improved. We recently witnessed two large developments go in with little to no landscaping and with the removal of upwards of 15 mature trees

jleeb2100 over 3 years ago

As Colorado natives and residence of the Beverly Heights Subdivision since 1994, we OPPOSE the City of Golden “Zoning Code Rewrite”.
Our neighborhood is special and does NOT need to be changed to accommodate money hungry developers!
We moved here and stay here because of the large open lots, the beautiful views, the wildlife and the quietness of our neighborhood.
Much has changed in the last 27 years; an example being the mess that City of Golden made out of 19th / 6th Ave. Due to poor planning - what used to be a beautiful open entry to our community - is now a dangerous and narrow road with a wide and unnecessary median, a triple wide up-lane for bicycles, no down-lane for bicycles and no side walk for pedestrians on the south side of 19th where the apartments and park are. Not only is it dangerous and difficult to maneuver, but the access for emergency vehicle response and the exit of residence in a fire emergency evacuation is nearly impossible. If we continue with the “Zone Code Rewrite” we will be in for more poor planning. Our wonderful neighborhood will be scraped as homes are sold (possibly already being sold to developers) and the 2-4 per lot homes as describe in the proposal will be built in their place. It will totally ruin Beverly Heights.
Please DO NOT move forward with the “Zoning Code Rewrite”!
What makes people come to Golden is the openness, charming, and small town feel it has and is meant to be.

prim over 3 years ago

The rationale for the new zoning plan is to help preserve the character of Golden, which is threatened by the current zoning. However the plan allows high density in certain neighborhoods such as Beverly Heights. As a result, by allowing higher density in established neighborhoods, the plan ironically destroys the very neighborhoods that it purports to protect. The solution is to treat each established neighborhood as a PUD and do not change the housing density in the name of making a real estate buck for some transient developer or transient neighbor.

GregW over 3 years ago

I moved to Golden to escape the "density" of Denver in 2004 with the naïve understanding that Golden had a 1% growth cap and valued sustainability, the environment, its unique neighborhoods, its people. I oppose completely the proposed "Peripheral" Building Form Zone and idea that "density is good". Golden has no infrastructure to support the added population and this type of building is CLEARLY not consistent with Goldens' history nor the future we want to build here. DO NOT APPROVE

Julmcclanahan over 3 years ago

I am writing to comment on the proposed Peripheral Building Form Zone, which would allow single family lots to be subdivided into two smaller houses. I live in Beverly Heights, and feel that the proposed change, if implemented, would destroy the character of the neighborhood (and town), making it very urban. Please do not approve this change.

skarsh over 3 years ago

This beautiful city that I have been a part of since 1972 is not going in the direction that I had hoped. To much building happening and the people who are taking the charm and small town feel are hurting this treasure it once was.I feel the lack of community and them driving us out of this soon to be not affordable living. It’s very sad to those of us that would like to have less big city building.

kmkblondie over 3 years ago

I want to take the guiding golden.com/waste-services-survey as referred to in the January/February Golden Informe, rbutI cannot find any link that gets me there.
Thank you

Janet Johnson almost 4 years ago

The January/February 2020 Golden Informer reported that the City is soliciting feedback on the Waste and Recycling services, and to go to www.guidinggolden.com/waste-services-survey. There is no such link. Feedback: why must I must pay for Green Waste (compost) 12 months of the year when I use it only in the summer months? Though I appreciate having one contracted service company reduces the number of trash trucks barrelling through our residential streets, I still see the compost trucks driving around looking for compost bins to dump when those bins are tucked away for a long winter nap. I'd like the option to pause my green waste pickup (and payment) from October- April or so. Or come up with a better, monthly composting program Golden.

gilesa almost 4 years ago
Page last updated: 04 Oct 2024, 04:33 AM