Clear Creek Management Strategies

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Clear Creek Management Strategies Public Meeting -- January 16, 2024

The City hosted a Public Meeting on Tuesday, January 16 to discuss management strategies for the 2024 summer season along Clear Creek.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. Your engagement, involvement and conversations continue to help guide the City in addressing issues along Clear Creek.

Clear Creek Management Recap -- October 10, 2023

A presentation on Clear Creek Management Strategies was given by Carly Lorentz, Deputy City Manager, at the October 10, 2023, City Council meeting. The recap included this year's strategies, successes, and challenges, and plans and recommendations for the 2024 season View a recording of the meeting on the City of Golden website, as well as the presentation and one-pager recap to the right in the documents tab at the top.


As Golden residents can attest, May and June signal the start of another busy summer season in Golden. This year, City officials anticipate activity levels that may exceed the norm for summertime in Golden. After many months of limited activities, interactions, and events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people will likely seek to get out and participate in the many customary activities that they have missed. In Golden, that means outdoor recreation - especially along and in the popular Clear Creek.

After years of continued growth in activity in the Clear Creek corridor, this year the City will be introducing new measures aimed at improving conditions in the corridor so that all may experience equal amounts of enjoyment of Clear Creek and adjacent trails, parks, regardless of one's preferred activity.

Several months ago, City Manager Jason Slowinski pulled together a group of stakeholders to review management practices in the Clear Creek corridor. This working group - representing neighborhoods, civic organizations, the Golden Visitor's Center, local businesses, outdoor recreation industry representatives, equipment rental companies, and Golden residents - met regularly since February discussing issues, challenges, and potential strategies, to address the issues caused by the growing popularity of Clear Creek. The group's work focused on issues concerning water use and safety, trail use, traffic and parking, communications, enforcement of rules and regulations, and environmental concerns.

At the City Council meeting on May 11, the City Manager briefed the City Council on the work of the group and the likely changes in management practices expected during the upcoming 2021 summer season. Among the more significant changes you will likely see are:

  • The implementation of color-coded water safety protocols tied to actual water flow conditions;
  • The introduction of a Clear Creek Ambassador program in an effort to better inform, educate, and establish new cultural norms around enjoyment of the Clear Creek corridor;
  • Better signage to communicate rules, expectations, and other important information;
  • The separation of certain uses on on the adjacent Clear Creek trails in order to minimize user conflicts, to include a preferred path for tubers and a seasonal bike dismount zone;
  • An expanded Park Rangers program with focus on the enforcement of rule violations; and
  • A central online portal for visitor information related to Clear Creek.

These changes, and many others, are based on recommendations of the working group. In addition, the group identified a number of other possible actions and strategies for consideration in future years.

Recognizing the important asset that Clear Creek is for the community, the City will be seeking feedback from residents and visitors related to these changes throughout the summer season. This feedback, along with other data points, will allow us to learn from these changes and will help guide future adjustments and considerations.

Public Comment Opportunities

The City of Golden Clear Creek Legislative Subcommittee invites members of the Golden community to provide public comments on items and ideas related to Clear Creek. Members of the public can make their voices heard through the following ways:

  1. Providing a public comment by attending a City Council meeting in person.
  2. Writing an email to, which will be published on the City's websites for public viewing and discussion.
  3. Attending a meeting of the Mobility & Transportation Advisory Board or the Parks, Recreation & Museum Advisory Board.

Information on upcoming Council and board meetings is available at You can also use the "Ideas and Discussion" tool below to ask questions, discuss Creek related topics with other users, and provide input on Creek management.

Clear Creek Management Strategies Public Meeting -- January 16, 2024

The City hosted a Public Meeting on Tuesday, January 16 to discuss management strategies for the 2024 summer season along Clear Creek.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. Your engagement, involvement and conversations continue to help guide the City in addressing issues along Clear Creek.

Clear Creek Management Recap -- October 10, 2023

A presentation on Clear Creek Management Strategies was given by Carly Lorentz, Deputy City Manager, at the October 10, 2023, City Council meeting. The recap included this year's strategies, successes, and challenges, and plans and recommendations for the 2024 season View a recording of the meeting on the City of Golden website, as well as the presentation and one-pager recap to the right in the documents tab at the top.


As Golden residents can attest, May and June signal the start of another busy summer season in Golden. This year, City officials anticipate activity levels that may exceed the norm for summertime in Golden. After many months of limited activities, interactions, and events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people will likely seek to get out and participate in the many customary activities that they have missed. In Golden, that means outdoor recreation - especially along and in the popular Clear Creek.

After years of continued growth in activity in the Clear Creek corridor, this year the City will be introducing new measures aimed at improving conditions in the corridor so that all may experience equal amounts of enjoyment of Clear Creek and adjacent trails, parks, regardless of one's preferred activity.

Several months ago, City Manager Jason Slowinski pulled together a group of stakeholders to review management practices in the Clear Creek corridor. This working group - representing neighborhoods, civic organizations, the Golden Visitor's Center, local businesses, outdoor recreation industry representatives, equipment rental companies, and Golden residents - met regularly since February discussing issues, challenges, and potential strategies, to address the issues caused by the growing popularity of Clear Creek. The group's work focused on issues concerning water use and safety, trail use, traffic and parking, communications, enforcement of rules and regulations, and environmental concerns.

At the City Council meeting on May 11, the City Manager briefed the City Council on the work of the group and the likely changes in management practices expected during the upcoming 2021 summer season. Among the more significant changes you will likely see are:

  • The implementation of color-coded water safety protocols tied to actual water flow conditions;
  • The introduction of a Clear Creek Ambassador program in an effort to better inform, educate, and establish new cultural norms around enjoyment of the Clear Creek corridor;
  • Better signage to communicate rules, expectations, and other important information;
  • The separation of certain uses on on the adjacent Clear Creek trails in order to minimize user conflicts, to include a preferred path for tubers and a seasonal bike dismount zone;
  • An expanded Park Rangers program with focus on the enforcement of rule violations; and
  • A central online portal for visitor information related to Clear Creek.

These changes, and many others, are based on recommendations of the working group. In addition, the group identified a number of other possible actions and strategies for consideration in future years.

Recognizing the important asset that Clear Creek is for the community, the City will be seeking feedback from residents and visitors related to these changes throughout the summer season. This feedback, along with other data points, will allow us to learn from these changes and will help guide future adjustments and considerations.

Public Comment Opportunities

The City of Golden Clear Creek Legislative Subcommittee invites members of the Golden community to provide public comments on items and ideas related to Clear Creek. Members of the public can make their voices heard through the following ways:

  1. Providing a public comment by attending a City Council meeting in person.
  2. Writing an email to, which will be published on the City's websites for public viewing and discussion.
  3. Attending a meeting of the Mobility & Transportation Advisory Board or the Parks, Recreation & Museum Advisory Board.

Information on upcoming Council and board meetings is available at You can also use the "Ideas and Discussion" tool below to ask questions, discuss Creek related topics with other users, and provide input on Creek management.

  • Communication & Information

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    Communication & Information Efforts in 2023

    • Added two Ambassador Stations with 10 Ambassadors (two fluent Spanish speakers)
      • Safety and compliance information
        • Water safety video
        • Creek Responsibly RFID stickers
        • Rules and map in English and Spanish
      • Distinct tent, banners, and signage at peak times
        • 304 Parking Lot - Welcome Center

    • Added Variable Message Boards (VMB) for traffic, parking, and rule compliance
    • Communicated stewardship, rules, and resources through Ambassador program, social media, Informer, and Weekly Digest
      • 67 social media posts (75% increase from 2022)

    Proposed Efforts for 2024

    • Add an Ambassador Station with increased visibility and staffing at Vanover Park
    • Increase signage and materials for English and Spanish speakers
      • Audit and refine wayfinding marker signs
      • Add banner on Washington St. Bridge - “Prepare to Exit”
      • Update map and rules
      • Increase social media
      • Increase materials at Golden Visitor Center
    • Communicate new RFID wristband strategy to creek users through social media, Ambassador Stations, Weekly Digest, and Visit Golden
    • Create “Inflation Station” at Ambassador Stations to funnel users to resources
    • Continue focus on stewardship, rules, and resources

    Please provide your feedback below.

  • Beach, Fencing & Trails

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    • Large crowds, gathering location, and cookouts on the Beach
    • Low rule compliance at the Beach
    • Sand issues
      • soiling the creek
      • trail hazards
    • Native vegetation conservation
    • Over 40 entrance points to creek encouraging crowding and code violations
    • RV Park area pinch point for trail users year-round

    Efforts to Meet Challenges in 2023

    • Lane painting on trail
    • Offered a shuttle option for bring-your-own tubers and outfitter customers
    • Saved 22,000 trips on the trail by 11,000 people used traditional shuttle program
    • Saved 3,300 trips on the trail with 1,650 people using the new public shuttle

    Proposed for 2024

    • Formalize Beach area for access and smaller/shorter visits
    • Protect vegetation and support re-establishment
    • Add fencing and gates to 25 of the entrances
      • Limit crowds in off-limit areas
      • Support rehabilitation of vegetation
      • Make activity data collection easier
    • Widen trail along RV Park
    • Continue use of flaggers at Ford St.
    • Continue use of public shuttle

    Proposed Gate and Fence Locations

    Fencing and gates are proposed for 25 of the creek entrances (see map below). Different fencing and gate options are possible, including sleeved fencing, sliding gates, and swinging gates. We want to hear which options you prefer!

    Proposed Beach Improvements

    A number of beach improvements are recommended to encourage and shorter visits, and to protect vegetation and support re-establishment.

    Proposed RV Park Trail Improvements

    Widening of the RV Park Trail in the areas indicated on the map below are proposed to help prevent bottlenecking.

    For a closer look at the three maps posted above, open the 2024 Clear Creek Meeting Maps document, then give us your feedback below!

  • Parking

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    Parking Management

    Efforts in 2023

    • Fines increased from $30 to $100 for parking violations along 10th St.
    • More enforcement:
      • 996 citations compared to 533 citations in 2022: 87% increase

    Proposed for 2024

    • Work with Interstate Parking Management to regulate parking
    • Regulate Golden Community Center parking lot
    • Increase parking fees from $8 per day to $10 per day ($.50 more per hour)
    • Continue and expand $100 fines for all special permit violations, which includes time limits and paid parking offenses, or graduated fines for repeat offenses such as:
      • 1st offense $50
      • 2nd offense $100
      • 3rd and beyond $200
    • Continue strong enforcement, including in neighborhood zones
    • Expand 9th Street neighborhood permit zone to include 8th street
    • Making all Golden residents eligible for an annual permit that will allow the permit holder to enjoy up to two hours free parking in the garages and surface lots daily without having to register at a kiosk or pay by smartphone system

    Please give us your feedback below!

  • Data Collection

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    Data Collection Efforts in 2023

    • RFID system implemented and tested
      • RFID stickers for visitors and outfitters
      • 5 scanners at various entry points along the creek
    • Event attendees counted
    • Basic camera analytics implemented along the creek
    • Created baseline data useful for trends about events and tubing

    Proposed Efforts for 2024

    • RFID
      • Install power to scanner locations to improve reliability
      • Use reusable wristbands, luggage tags, and inside of tube tags to collect information
      • Reposition poles to better locations
    • Install dedicated camera analytics engines to make camera counts more accurate
    • Prepare for possible 2025 reservation system

    Give us your feedback below.

  • Sustainability

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    Sustainability Efforts in 2023

    • Organized volunteer trash clean-ups
    • 21 clean-ups
    • 140 individual volunteers
    • 330+ hours of service
    • Installed 40 new waste stations
    • Conducted study on fish health

    Proposed for 2024

    • Further development of volunteer clean-up program
    • Increase trash receptacles
    • Continue to study and monitor water and fish health

    Give us your feedback below.

  • Safety

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    Safety Efforts in 2023

    • No fatalities or serious injuries!
    • City purchased ~200 life jackets for bring-your-own tubers
    • Staff installed corridor “mile markers” to assist first responders in easily communicating creek locations in emergencies
    • Safety video (made in partnership with Jeffco Open Space) was available and encouraged for all creek users

    Proposed for 2024

    • Two fire stations staffed 24/7 within the city (as of October 2023)
    • Tracking all creek-related calls for service
    • Reunification point for separated tubing / swimming parties at Vanover Park
    • Brush clearing in rescue areas (north bank behind Gold Apartments)

    Give us your feedback below.

  • Code Enforcement

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    Code Enforcement Efforts in 2023

    • Alcohol - 96 citations

    • Total admin citations - 114

    • Partnered with Ambassadors to enforce park and creek rules

    • Partnered with Ambassadors to maintain walking zones

      • RV Park to Vanover Park

      • Lions Park

    Code Enforcement Efforts Proposed for 2024

    • With parking enforcement moving to a management company, Code Enforcement can focus on code violations

    Please give us your feedback below.

Page last updated: 10 Jun 2024, 03:18 PM