Council Connects
Consultation has concluded
In an effort to be open and transparent, the City of Golden has created this page for City Councilors to share information with each other and with the community. Though there is not an opportunity for dialog between City Council and the community here, residents are encouraged to reach out to City Council via This email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab below.
In an effort to be open and transparent, the City of Golden has created this page for City Councilors to share information with each other and with the community. Though there is not an opportunity for dialog between City Council and the community here, residents are encouraged to reach out to City Council via This email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab below.
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Mayor Laura Weinberg
I am honored to be Golden’s mayor and to have the opportunity to represent our wonderful community. We have a beautiful city filled with amenities for all interests, strong neighborhoods, thriving businesses, a world-class university, and excellent municipal services.
My focus for our city is on continuous improvement in the ways that City Council operates, the ways that the city connects with residents and businesses, and the ways in which we collaborate to bring new ideas and creative solutions to fruition.
I invite everyone to become involved in shaping our future. From serving on city boards and commissions to filling out a survey on, there are varying levels of time commitment and various topics of interest and all are important to crafting the city that we desire.
Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas, or contact me with any questions or concerns.
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Councilor Lisa Vitry
District 1
lvitry@cityofgolden.netI am honored to serve the residents and businesses of our great City as District 1 City Councilor. I am humbled by your passion to continue to make Golden a place where you and your family can thrive. I look forward to representing your voices on City Council and engaging with you to collaborate and develop ideas to navigate the opportunities and challenges we will face in the next four years. I am confident our entire city can unite as one community to support each other, our local businesses, and our first responders.
As a board-certified medical technologist with 30 years of clinical and leadership experience, I am excited for our residents to have a fire department that can respond faster and provide service and support for increasingly critical medical emergencies.
I believe we need to be stewards of land and protect and preserve our open space. I look forward to representing the community when engaging with the Parks, Recreation and Golf division on their many projects, including the Open Space Master Plan. Golden is located in the Wildland Urban Interface, and our open space, parks, views and vistas are what make our city a beautiful place to live.
I am confident our City will provide more social support and resources for our seniors. I have participated in meetings and focus groups that I believe will have tangible and sustainable outcomes.
We are a kind, inclusive, and resilient community. I believe this is the character and culture of our great city that will never be extinguished, as long as we continue to work together and support each other.
Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and represent and support your voice. Please feel free to contact me at
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Councilor Patty Evans
District 2
pevans@cityofgolden.netI’m honored to have the privilege of representing District 2 on your City Council. I’ve lived in downtown Golden for 15 years, and I have served on the Planning Commission for nearly 10 years. I look forward to bringing that experience and perspective to Council.
Throughout the election season, I spent a lot of time knocking on doors and talking to people. In all my conversations, I heard common themes—a desire to maintain our small-town character, concerns about the impact of visitors, and overall, an optimism about Golden’s future. I’m embracing that optimism in my new role as Councilor.
Golden has lots of opportunities and challenges in front of us, both short- and long-term. We can tackle big-picture questions around how our community grows and our values for Golden, while also being responsive to short-term issues that affect the day-to-day lives of our residents. I’m looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and digging in.
We are a better community when we’re united and see the best in each other. I’m hopeful for our future and excited to represent District 2 on Council. Please feel free to reach out to me at
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Councilor Robert Reed
Ward 1Rob Reed is a Jefferson County native and graduate of Golden High School, where he was captain of the soccer team. Because he wanted to see if he could make a Division I soccer team, Rob decided to attend the University of the Pacific, where he majored in journalism and political science/pre-law, played soccer, raced on the ski team and helped form the ski club.
After graduating from college, Rob spent a year working in a small advertising and public relations firm before returning to Colorado to attend law school at the University of Colorado. After graduating and passing the bar exam, Rob worked for two specialty firms that focused on mortgage lending and servicing. In 1997 Rob started his own practice, which focuses on real estate law. Rob has represented people and businesses throughout Colorado in real estate transactions and litigation. Rob has also done pro bono legal work for organizations that assist women in crisis and families in need.
Rob and his wife, Kristin, got married at Table Mountain Inn almost 20 years ago (Rob’s parents were married in front of the same fireplace before TMI was TMI). Rob and Kristin moved to Golden in 2003.
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Councilor Paul Haseman
Ward 2
phaseman@cityofgolden.netPreserving the true character of Golden continues to be my goal and the goal of the Council. This goal is only made possible by our many, many volunteers who, working together, make Golden Golden. Thank you all for your contributions to our great City. We should all be proud and thankful.
By way of brief background, I graduated West Point as an officer in the Corps of Engineers. After Vietnam and teaching at the Army Engineer School, my career shifted to law with two law degrees and work in the aerospace industry for 30 years. My last position was Vice President and General Counsel for $3B company. This broad corporate experience reinforces the value of communication and teamwork.
My wife, Vivian, and I are happy to enjoy Golden with our daughter, Lynn and family. My other daughter, Janelle, and her family live in Colorado Springs and my son, Mark, and his family live in Littleton. Life is good in Golden.
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Councilor Don Cameron
During my time in Golden, I have been highly involved in civic and community activities, ranging from service as Chair of the City of Golden’s Planning Commission to advocating for sustainability work in the city.
Recently, I’ve been working as co-chair of the Golden United Housing Task Force. This group of citizens is self-organized and advocates for affordable housing issues in town. I was also a member of the Golden Investment Forum Task Force, and served on the Utility Rates Task Force as a representative of the Golden Planning Commission. We created an equitable water rate plan that shares the costs, the capital investments, and encourages conservation.
Many of you have seen me demonstrate preparedness, bring hard questioning, recommend intelligent improvements to city codes, and introduce suggestions to resolutions to help guide our city’s growth in a smart and commonsense manner. The breadth of my civic service has given me the knowledge of the issues and the experience of dealing with the tough problems that will serve me well on Council.
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Councilor Bill Fisher
Ward 4
Bill Fisher
(303) 588-3389
BFisher@cityofgolden.netWe face challenging times and changing circumstances. I am grateful to the Residents of Golden and our local business owners for your resiliency, caring, and community-minded approach to reaching out to and helping each other.
Thank you for supporting and trusting my candidacy during the recent Special Election for Ward 4. Golden is worth it! With an unprecedented voter turnout, the message is clear: we care about and remain engaged in maintaining Golden and moving forward.
I remain optimistic about our future, and remain focused on meeting the needs of today and creating a legacy for our families. I am already hitting the ground running and supporting efforts underway throughout the City’s government, our non-profits, cultural partners and businesses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and financial crisis.
I will work to earn the trust of all residents in Ward 4 and Golden during my tenure with open and transparent communication and leadership to benefit us all. Let’s stay in touch, even as we evolve ways to stay safe and meet the economic and personal needs of Goldenites. Please reach out with your thoughts and ideas to, and consider signing up for the Ward 4 Email Newsletter to stay in-the-know at
Links & Resources
Supporting Documents
Proposed Policy Statement for 2021-22- Policy Statement Subcommittee.pdf (246 KB) (pdf)
Jan. 15, 2021 - Policy Committee Agenda (161 KB) (pdf)
Jan. 15, 2021 - Policy Committee Action Info Items (116 KB) (pdf)
Proposed Policy Statement for 2021-22 Policy Statement Subcommittee with edits from PC members.pdf (284 KB) (pdf)
DRCOG 2019 Annual Report
DRCOG Benefits and Values to Golden letter
Advocacy Legislative Subcommittee Process
CML Policy Committee Recommendations (146 KB) (pdf)
DRCOG Guiding Golden Poster (1.23 MB) (pdf)
Jim Dale - City of Golden Presentation (35.4 MB) (pdf)
Myths and Misunderstandings CDPHE Presentation at RFSC (4.7 MB) (pdf)
Colorado & Golden Open Meetings Laws & the Colorado Open Records Act
An exchange of electronic messages between Council members can result in a violation of the Colorado Open Meetings Law and the Open Meetings provisions of the Golden Municipal Code.
These pages are not intended as, nor should they be used as, a replacement for City Council meetings where public business is discussed (at both regular meetings and study sessions), and where formal action may be taken (at regular meetings). According to both the Colorado Open Meetings Law and the Golden Municipal Code Chapter 1.03 (Open Meetings), “Meeting” is defined as any kind of gathering convened to discuss public business in person, by telephone, television, video, or any other means of communication, including electronic communications. Any meetings where formal action occurs, or at which three members of Council are in attendance or are expected to be in attendance, can only be held after prior notice is given. Communicating back and forth on email, or through a forum, where “public business is discussed” may be found to be an electronic meeting and violate provisions of the Colorado Open Meetings Law as well as the Golden Municipal Code. Accordingly, may not be used to carry out discussions amongst Council members regarding public business. Likewise, may not be used to facilitate formal action by City Council, as formal action may occur only at regular City Council meetings.
As with the Open Meetings Law, the purpose of the Open Records Act is to facilitate open and transparent government. The Act provides that “all public records are open for inspection by any person at reasonable times” unless otherwise provided by the Act itself or other law. Although there are some exceptions relating to confidential matters, the statute specifically includes digitally-stored data, such as electronic messages. Because is used as an informational tool about public business, messages that are posted here will be available to the public. Use of these pages helps ensure that these communications are conveniently available for public inspection.
Engagement Level
- Inform: City provides timely information and updates to the community..