Council Connects

Front view of Golden City Hall over city logo

In an effort to be open and transparent, the City of Golden has created this page for City Councilors to share information with each other and with the community. Though there is not an opportunity for dialog between City Council and the community here, residents are encouraged to reach out to City Council via This email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab below.

In an effort to be open and transparent, the City of Golden has created this page for City Councilors to share information with each other and with the community. Though there is not an opportunity for dialog between City Council and the community here, residents are encouraged to reach out to City Council via This email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab below.

Notes from Council

In an effort to be as open and transparent as possible, Council Members will use this tool to share ideas and thoughts, including information they learn from other groups, to city discussions.  

Council members are only sharing ideas on this public forum, not holding conversations with one another or with the community.

Please visit one of our Council meetings where you may sign up to share your ideas with City Council, or contact your Council members directly by email at email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab.

You cannot leave comment in this Guest Book unless you are a part of the project panel.
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For background, one can look to this reference from a giant in epidemiology:

Bradford Hill criteria - Wikipedia › wiki › Bradford_Hill_criteria
The Bradford Hill criteria, otherwise known as Hill's criteria for causation, are a group of 9 principles that can be useful in establishing epidemiologic evidence of a causal relationship between a presumed cause and an observed effect and have been widely used in public health research.
‎Definition · ‎Debate in epidemiology · ‎Examples of application

JimDale about 4 years ago


Welcome to "COVID-19: The CIDRAP Viewpoint."

In the first report, published today, "The future of the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned from pandemic influenza ( ," CIDRAP experts and outside consultants paint a picture of the pandemic and detail how it's behaving more like past influenza pandemics than like any coronavirus has to date.

Key recommendations include planning for a worst-case scenario, protecting healthcare workers, developing concrete plans, and reminding people that the pandemic is not likely to end soon.

We appreciate that other expert groups have produced detailed plans for slowing SARS-CoV-2 transmission and for reopening the country after stay-at-home orders and other important mitigation steps are eased. Our intent with Viewpoint reports is to add key information and address issues that haven't garnered the attention they deserve and reflect the unique experience and expertise among the CIDRAP team and our expert consultants.

We will address timely issues with straight talk and clarity. And the steps we will recommend will be based on our current reality and the best available data. Our goal is to help planners envision some of the situations that might present themselves later this year or next year so that they can take key steps now, while there’s still time.

"COVID-19: The CIDRAP Viewpoint" will address such topics as pandemic scenarios going forward, crisis communication, testing, contact tracing, surveillance, supply chains, and epidemiology issues and key areas for research. We intend to release one to two reports per week.

We hope you find these reports valuable.
Contact Us (/about-us/contact-us)

Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
Academic Health Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
© CIDRAP 2020 Regents of the University of MN
Academic Health Center, University of MN

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JimDale about 4 years ago

Just wanted to let you know I've been working on these notes, not just loafing on this snowy day

NLC Congressional City Conference, 8-11 March 2020, Washington, DC
Here are my NOTES:
POLICY PRIORITIEDS TO PRACTICE – Why 73% of the data you use for decision making is misleading
Matt Applebaum, Former Mayor Boulder
ASK: Is the info/data you have relevant?
1. Census Data: student population messes up/skews the data
2. Problems with Means and Medians: about the distribution of numbers
a. He gave a bunch of examples: temperatures, water flows, stock market, rainfall, incomes, real estate prices, proverty
b. Why? Because perception drives anger (Jim says: perception = reality)
3. Budgets: bottom line – hard to compare cities because of the variety of Fund areas plus special districts
4. Correlation (Association) does not equal Causation
5. Reading Charts: Look carefully at the scales used on them
1. Bad data is worse than no data
2. KEY: does the data answer the question you ask?
3. Jim’s take: the Art and Science of Policy making

Substitute Speaker- ZIP Car Exec- Subrina Sussman (Sort of became an ad for ZIP CAR)
Shared Economy: many examples in today’s society
ZIP CARS = Car Sharing; cost is about $70/yr plus $8/hr
- Why ZIP CAR? Shared, Connected and Flexible
o AAA SAYS “average cost of owning a car is $906/mo
o Fewer cars
o Fewer parking spots needed
o More green spac
o Housing Density
o Lower car ownership rates
10 Shared Mobility Principals: plan; focus- moving people not cars; encourage efficient use of space and assets; engage stakeholders in decision making; design for equitable access; transition toward zero emissions; seek fair user fees; deliver public benefit via open data; promote i9ntegrated and seamless connectivity; automated vehicles must be shared

Data Analysis from Operational Issues to Policy – Tyler Inc. Exec ( “a table exercise”)
(Jim’s opinion: not so helpful/hit)
Keys to operating Smarter not Harder
1. Find the Needle in the Haystack by targets – who where
2. Prioritizing work for impact – Triage versus FIFO (Fist In First Out)
3. Use early warning tools
4. Make Better, Quicjer decisions
5. Optimize resource Allocation
6. Experimenting to find what works
a. Messaging
b. Examples – text msgs
i. Simple – free give aways work
ii. Social good motivated
iii. Ego motivated – worked best in some instances

First General Session
1. Adopt NLC Legislative Positions
2. Jim addition – Adopt CMLand or DRCOG Legislative Positisons
U.S. EPA Counsel = advertisement for Administration deregulation efforts
Paul Ryan: (Says it’s great being home for high school aged sons)
1. Use Opportunity Zones
2. Infrastructure Funding
a. Gas increase is a nonstarter with republicans
b. He advocates VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled system – says the tech is available
Second General Session
Overcoming Obstacles to Affordable Housing: Moderator – Opportunity Starts at Home E.D.
1. Rental Subsidies: currently a Bill in Congress
a. For target populations
b. Voucher programs
2. Evictions: usually for smaller amounts – like one month rent
a. Crisis assistance – (Eviction Crisis Act: Senstor Bennet is a sponsor)
b. ACA (Affordable Care Act) reduced evictions
3. Metro Atlanta Housing Strategy (see online/website)
a. Good Book: The Color of Law
b. Website Has GIS:
i. Cost burdened households
ii. Transportation costs
iii. Jobs & healthcare info
iv. Housing submarkets
v. Costs/square ft
vi. A creative place making plans
4. Washington DC perspective
a. Have affordability goals
b. Have tax on Real Estate sales that goes for affordable housing (Housing Trust Fund)

Mostly just good networking
1. Did a Survey:
a. Highest Interests/ Challenges/PRIORITIES (Will be the topics at this summer’s Small Cities Conference)
ii. JULY 15-18, 2020
#**# International Town and Gown Association mtg – June 1-3, 2020, Boulder, CO
(Probably will be canceled now with COVID-19 pandemic)
ISSUES for thought & action?:
2. Youth and Families
3. Homelessness
4. Census
5. Voting
6. Short Term Rentals: NLC has a Best Practices Document (Brooks Rainwater @ NLC & Center for City Solutions
a. (Jim’s thought – we might want to review it?)
b. Boulder’s 12% LodgingTax – DEDICATED TO Affordable Housing
Legislative and Federal Transportation Investment Update – Britteny Kohler, NLC Legislative Director
1. Surface Transportation Block Grant – due to sunset – needs Congressional action
2. Move Safely (Target Zero Deaths) – “ “ “ “ “
3. New Transportation Options – Moving First Act – empowers Innovation Fund –pending action
4. Get It Done
5. Build Act: includes jobs, clean water, financing and housing stability clause/portions

JimDale over 4 years ago

ADU Workshop: I recently attended the Metro Mayors ADU workshop with a great panel of experts addressing financing, affordability, construction, policy, and regulations. Golden passed its ADU regulations in 2009, and we currently have 51 ADUs, mostly basement units, in all areas of the city. In the past 5 years, 7-14% of our housing allocations have gone to ADUs. Golden currently has some regulations in place (owner occupancy, off street parking, and size limits) that have hampered ADU adoption elsewhere. We do not have other barriers such as impact fees, additional costs, or additional land use.

The West Denver Renaissance Collaborative is doing some exciting work regarding ADUs to specifically address housing affordability. The AARP is supporting ADUs as one in the mix of options to address housing needs and flexibility for aging in place. The state demographer shared great information and challenged us to think if enough housing was created at the right levels to handle all of the state job growth considering new jobs were 36% low, 43% mid, and 21% high wage jobs. A lot of food for thought for our housing conversations this year.

Laura Weinberg over 4 years ago

MDHI(Metro Denver Homeless Initiative) Flex Fund: The Metro Mayors Caucus, along with private foundations and donors, support this fund for households who need one-time financial assistance to exit homelessness. The City of Golden has been a consistent contributor and we will contribute again for 2020. The average cost of assistance per household is $1,143, so Golden's $2,500 contribution will help more than 2 homeless households obtain permanent housing. Homelessness and housing are regional problems and Golden will continue to work with other jurisdictions, nonprofits, and private organizations for regional solutions.

Laura Weinberg over 4 years ago

I mentioned at Thursday's meeting that I'd appreciate feedback on the CML policy statement.
Here is a link to the statement:

Rob Reed over 4 years ago

CML 2020 Legislative Kickoff: The CML advocacy webinar from the first day of the session is now available for elected officials and city staff. Right around 30 minutes is a slide on ways you can stay informed.

Laura Weinberg over 4 years ago

CITY FACT SHEET: I asked the city to put together a one pager of some of the key data for the city. Population numbers do not tell a full picture of the complexity of our city. To really learn from and draw ideas from other cities, knowing these other metrics will be very helpful. The sheet is available under the supporting documents on this page. Thank you city staff.

Laura Weinberg over 4 years ago

From the withdrawal notice of JPPHA shortlisted bidder.
"Unfortunately, we have found through [our] additional analysis (and alongside our traffic and revenue and financial advisors) that the Project’s anticipated revenue potential does not adequately support the Project’s costs by a sizable gap. This determination, when considered alongside other significant issues including the unavailability of any public funds to help address the funding shortfall and the ongoing environmental challenges, has led us to our view that the Project is not feasible under the current procurement approach." A link to the full letter follows:

Marjorie over 4 years ago

Here's the take of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids on the recent legislation increasing the legal age to purchase tobacco to 21:

Raising the Tobacco Age to 21 Won’t Stop the Youth E-Cigarette Epidemic and Is Not a Substitute for Eliminating the Flavored Products that Lure Kids

CaseyBrown over 4 years ago

Interesting Denverite article illustrating the important role a community land trust played in creating new affordable housing in Denver, in part, by receiving state grants.

CaseyBrown over 4 years ago The provision was in the spending bill -- to take effect in around 9 months.

Marjorie over 4 years ago
JimDale over 4 years ago

Disaster Recovery: It has been a while since CC received a briefing on the city's Disaster Recovery plan so I've asked that we schedule an update for a study session in 2020. RouteFifty has just produced an ebook with interesting examples of recovery in cities around the country. You should hopefully be able to download a copy with my link.

Laura Weinberg over 4 years ago

Thanks, Jim, for taking the time to visit the shop.

Marjorie over 4 years ago

Visit to Vape Shop by Safeway: I visited this shop as I hadn't received an email from this business and wanted to ensure they were aware of the proposed Ordinance. I was told by the manger that the shop/store was part of a chain. The District manager is aware of the proposed Ordinance. The manager noted that they check the ID of anyone who looks under 40, that they have been approached by sting operations at least 3 times, and that they are dedicated to preventing underaged sales. Their vaping devices are fillable and they do not sell Juul products.

JimDale over 4 years ago

New article from the New York Times reporting latest survey from C.D.C., indicating nearly 1 in 3 kids used one or more tobacco products; rates of vaping are still rising; and kids are increasingly also turning to flavored cigarillos (now the second most popular tobacco product) and traditional cigarettes.

CaseyBrown over 4 years ago

AN IDEA ON WHICH TO REFLECT: Are Vaping Devices Addiction Devices?
How Juul Got a Generation Hooked
"Giant Sowed the Seeds of a Public Health Crisis by Targeting Young Nonsmokers"

JimDale over 4 years ago

Here at the National League of Cities Cities Summit in San Antonio, Housing Affordability is a HUGE topic and will continue to be a focus in the coming year. NLC recently published a document that may be of interest titled Homeward Bound: The road to Affordable Housing. Here is a link:

SaoirseCharisGraves over 4 years ago

CO Water Plan 101 Webinar
FYI: I attended this. Worthwhile info update. It will be available online at: , this coming Monday.

JimDale over 4 years ago
Page last updated: 06 Jun 2024, 01:22 PM