Council Connects

Consultation has concluded

Front view of Golden City Hall over city logo

In an effort to be open and transparent, the City of Golden has created this page for City Councilors to share information with each other and with the community. Though there is not an opportunity for dialog between City Council and the community here, residents are encouraged to reach out to City Council via This email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab below.

In an effort to be open and transparent, the City of Golden has created this page for City Councilors to share information with each other and with the community. Though there is not an opportunity for dialog between City Council and the community here, residents are encouraged to reach out to City Council via This email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab below.

Notes from Council

In an effort to be as open and transparent as possible, Council Members will use this tool to share ideas and thoughts, including information they learn from other groups, to city discussions.  

Council members are only sharing ideas on this public forum, not holding conversations with one another or with the community.

Please visit one of our Council meetings where you may sign up to share your ideas with City Council, or contact your Council members directly by email at email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab.

Consultation has concluded
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As we come out of the pandemic we need frequent, affordable transit. We need to let RTD know our feelings and copy Marjorie Sloan, our RTD Director. BTW, the RTD Accountability Study (Audit Review) is out in Draft form to be adopted soon. Please read it and learn. ;

JimDale over 3 years ago
JimDale over 3 years ago
JimDale over 3 years ago

High Potency THC products
Thanks to former Ward 3 Councilor Pamela Gould, I had the opportunity to listen to a briefing on "High Potency THC products" that detailed perspectives on the impacts of these products. The state legislature is considering a Bill on this topic. The bill requires the Colorado school of public health to do a
systematic review of the scientific research related to the physical and mental health effects of high-potency THC marijuana and concentrates. (
I believe it is timely and worthwhile to review the bill. One of my takeaways from the briefing is that the THC products of today are significantly different in potency than those that were sold ion the street in years past. When I get a copy of the briefing, I'll shared it in this space. I strongly believe that it is appropriate to support the "Colorado school of public health to doing a systematic review of the scientific research related to the physical and mental health effects of high-potency THC marijuana and concentrates". I believe scientific facts matter.

JimDale over 3 years ago
JimDale over 3 years ago
JimDale over 3 years ago
JimDale almost 4 years ago
JimDale almost 4 years ago

House Bill 21-1289 from Reps. Chris Kennedy, D-Lakewood, and Mark Baisley, R-Roxborough Park, divvies up the appropriation by sending:

$35 million through the Broadband Deployment Board at the state Department of Regulatory Affairs for so-called “last mile” projects that aim to link telecommunication networks to users’ homes;
$5 million to the Interconnectivity Grant Program Fund in the Department of Local Affairs to fund so-called “middle mile” projects linking the last mile to a telecommunication network operator’s core network;
$10 million to both the Ute Mountain Ute and Southern Ute tribal nations, who have broad discretion on how the funds can be used to build out broadband infrastructure;
and $15 million to boost connectivity for telehealth providers.

JimDale almost 4 years ago
JimDale almost 4 years ago
JimDale almost 4 years ago

Colorado U.S. House member earmarks - proposals in the Bill before Congress

Of note for Golden are the SH 93 by-pass and the peak to plains trail.

JimDale almost 4 years ago

The Colorado Sun is announcing this morning that they have purchased the Golden Transcript (and all of the papers owned by Colorado Community Media) in conjunction with a new non-profit called the National Trust for Local News. Here's a link to the article on the website:

CaseyBrown almost 4 years ago

State Transportation Bill at the Legislature:
Our DRCOG Study session spent about 45 minutes getting s nice briefing about this by State Senator Winter and Representative Grey. The video of it is at this link and the brief starts around 5 minutes or so into the meeting. Go to the bottom of the link page for the video:


JimDale almost 4 years ago

DRCOG Metro Vision 2050 Update/Amendments:
I believe the short (less than 10 minute video) will provide insight as we move to the future here in Golden

JimDale almost 4 years ago

DRCOG Affordable Housing Webinar Series: This is a four part informational series. Lots of financial info. Paul and I attending this first one. Here is the link to the recording:

JimDale almost 4 years ago

Asphalt Art - Learned about this Bloomberg grant opportunity at City Lab this week. Article provides a great example of this blend of public art and mobility/transportation.

Laura Weinberg almost 4 years ago

Utility assistance program - The city offers payment plans and flexibility for water bills, but no direct customer assistance. I am interested in pursuing a financial assistance program managed through a 3rd party. If the new federal stimulus passes, this could be funded by those new dollars. Some info about the problem nationally,

Laura Weinberg almost 4 years ago

Metro Vision 2050 Regional Transportation Plan. I thought this video and one pager might be of interest.

JimDale almost 4 years ago

MetroDPA (fixed rate mortgage with down payment assistance program). Terrific news that they have provided $500M in homeownership assistance since the program was relaunched in February of 2019. There have been 3 loans in Golden for approx $1.3m in first mortgages.

Laura Weinberg about 4 years ago