Council Connects

Front view of Golden City Hall over city logo

In an effort to be open and transparent, the City of Golden has created this page for City Councilors to share information with each other and with the community. Though there is not an opportunity for dialog between City Council and the community here, residents are encouraged to reach out to City Council via This email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab below.

In an effort to be open and transparent, the City of Golden has created this page for City Councilors to share information with each other and with the community. Though there is not an opportunity for dialog between City Council and the community here, residents are encouraged to reach out to City Council via This email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab below.

Notes from Council

In an effort to be as open and transparent as possible, Council Members will use this tool to share ideas and thoughts, including information they learn from other groups, to city discussions.  

Council members are only sharing ideas on this public forum, not holding conversations with one another or with the community.

Please visit one of our Council meetings where you may sign up to share your ideas with City Council, or contact your Council members directly by email at email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab.

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Interesting article discussing how USDOT new grant guidance allows states to access to billions in funding for safety measures, including automated traffic enforcement devices.

CaseyBrown over 2 years ago

Broadband - City owned, fiber to the last mile may be better long term, and have lower cost than WiFi Broadband. So I learned from this long You Tube recommended by a resident. My takeaways are here summarized:AuWireless is a WISP, and the take away message from this group is that WISPs compete for limited spectrum, and fiber all the way to the house is preferred.

Fiber is preferred not just for a backbone, but ultimately to the user. It may cost more, but is less labor intensive and costly to maintain (due to having to climb polls to fix radios and such). Lead times for fiber and switches are long, some over a year, so building out a network takes some serious amount of time.

Some states have made capital purchases to store and stage fiber materials (Illinois in particular) to allow for bulk purchases and cost savings, especially for smaller towns that can not compete to get a fiber build-out. As to what makes cities successful, I think the takeaway was to own the network as much as possible, and basically become your own utility if you can. Otherwise you do all the investment but don't gain the long term benefits.

dcameron over 2 years ago

Air Pollution: What can we do? DRCOG guidelines for the TIP (Transportation Improvement Program) "will include" requirements for off setting Air Pollution Impacts: Should we electrify our lawn care? It could be a wise alternative action to target/incentivize electric and battery implements with some of our transportation dollars. I'd recommend it.

Here is an excerpt from a longer opinion article in the link below:
"Let’s also offer incentives to replace gas-powered lawn equipment. A New York Times column recently cited a 2011 study by Edmunds that found that hydrocarbon emissions from a half-hour with a two-stroke leaf blower are about the same as a 3,900-mile drive in a 6,200-pound Ford F-150 SVT Raptor. The California Air Resources Board says using a commercial leaf blower for one hour emits as much smog-forming pollution as driving a 2017 Toyota Camry from Los Angeles to Denver. "

JimDale over 2 years ago
JimDale over 2 years ago

Met with the state today about ARPA funds for transformational regional approaches to address homelessness, workforce development, and mental and behavioral health challenges. Learned more about 2 proposed projects that will benefit Golden regardless of ultimate location in the region. Colorado Sun discusses both -

Laura Weinberg over 2 years ago
JimDale over 2 years ago

From the article:
Jamie Bussel, a senior program officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation who focuses on childhood obesity, said the pandemic had worsened systemic problems like the lack of access to healthy foods in poorer communities and the ubiquity of junk food and sugary drinks.

"Covid really highlighted how negligent our food system really is,” she said. “We need long-term policy fixes. Otherwise, we’re just putting a Band-Aid on a gaping wound.”

This feels like the right time to be taking a closer look across the public health spectrum, including health beverage options for our children!

BFisher over 2 years ago


JimDale over 2 years ago

AFFORDABLE HOUSING: can we learn from Aspen? I'd urge that the Strategic Planning session include time to discuss housing.

JimDale over 2 years ago

COVID IN COLORADO &THE METRO REGION - reporting from the Colorado Sun

JimDale over 2 years ago
JimDale over 2 years ago

These Americans Are Just Going Around in Circles. It Helps the Climate.

A wonderful write up from the New York Times about Carmel, IN and their 140 roundabouts. You read that right — 140, with a dozen more on the way. The insane number of roundabouts help increase safety, reduce carbon emissions (with no red lights there is less idling time for cars) and get people where they need to go, faster.

JJ Trout over 2 years ago

Thoughts bout parenting and social skills/norms & schools - parenting was the hardest "job" I ever faced (BTW, my kids are doing great):

JimDale over 2 years ago

Green House Gases: Colorado, the Metro region and Golden - Food for thought & possibly some ongoing action/s:
This Colorado Sun article speaks to the challenges that I heard at DRCOG as the Board struggled with gaining agreement on input to the state plan:

JimDale over 2 years ago

MJ retail sale and associate sales and excise tax:
With 99% of the votes counted ,according to our Jeffco County Clerk website, I believe the voters have spoken and I also believe appropriately. This legal product will "soon" be for sale at locations in Golden as directed by Council. Goldenites and visitors will be able to purchase MJ in Golden without going to locations outside of our city. I believe the revenues generated by these sale of MJ can be used to address for outstanding health, safety, and welfare needs of the people of Golden. Good on Golden voters.

JimDale over 2 years ago

Good morning and happy day-after-election!

First, a thank you to my fellow Ward Councilors for stepping up to run for office on behalf of Golden. I look forward to working with each of you.

Regarding ballot measure 2C, the Lodging Tax for Golden: I want to share my thanks and pride in my fellow City Councilors and the Mayor and Staff for your actions over the last year to develop and support a clearly-outlined and beneficial lodging tax on behalf of Golden.

At a time when it can be easier to simply vote No, Council unanimously declared Yes for Golden. Thanks to each of you for having the vision to understand we have pressing financial needs in the near future. Passage of 2C will help to protect, preserve, and enhance the character of Golden that brings and keeps us here.



BFisher over 2 years ago

Much of the rest of the world sees a connection between diet and health. Does this feel like a new concept to those of us in Golden?

Stay healthy!

BFisher over 2 years ago

COVID AND COLORADO - a scary true story on Halloween.
According to the count kept by the New York Times, Colorado has the fastest growth rate of COVID cases in the country. We’re No. 1? Most states near the top of the list for infections are near the bottom of the list in the percentage of people who have been vaccinated. Colorado is somewhere in the upper middle, but the new leaders in cases and hospitalizations are mostly western states. (Colorado Sun, Mike Litwin article, Oct 31)

JimDale over 2 years ago


JimDale over 2 years ago
CaseyBrown over 2 years ago
Page last updated: 06 Jun 2024, 01:22 PM