Council Connects

Front view of Golden City Hall over city logo

In an effort to be open and transparent, the City of Golden has created this page for City Councilors to share information with each other and with the community. Though there is not an opportunity for dialog between City Council and the community here, residents are encouraged to reach out to City Council via This email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab below.

In an effort to be open and transparent, the City of Golden has created this page for City Councilors to share information with each other and with the community. Though there is not an opportunity for dialog between City Council and the community here, residents are encouraged to reach out to City Council via This email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab below.

Notes from Council

In an effort to be as open and transparent as possible, Council Members will use this tool to share ideas and thoughts, including information they learn from other groups, to city discussions.  

Council members are only sharing ideas on this public forum, not holding conversations with one another or with the community.

Please visit one of our Council meetings where you may sign up to share your ideas with City Council, or contact your Council members directly by email at email will distribute to all City Councilors as well as city staff department leads. If you would like to reach out to individual City Councilors, email addresses and phone numbers are available on the Meet Your Council Members tab.

You cannot leave comment in this Guest Book unless you are a part of the project panel.
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News on Olympic and Paralympic bidding from today's International Olympic Committee press release on the streamlined and money-saving “fundamental rethinking of the organisation of future Games. This will lead to a new norm – from the candidature for and the delivery of the Games through to their legacy,” IOC Pres. Thomas Bach.

Marjorie over 6 years ago

Attended the Rocky Flats Stewardship Council and the DRCOG Study session this week. Details to follow.

JimDale over 6 years ago

This article features a preliminary step in going to the ballot this fall to fund statewide fix for the $9 billion shortfall in transportation solutions. The proposal is for a .005, .062 , or .1 cent (Metro Mayors preference) sales tax increase, with 45% directed to state and interstate roads, 40% for local discretion (divided between cities and counties, under HUTF formula) and 15% for mobility needs). A rough estimate of Golden's first-year share (2020) at 1% would be $859,526. There are solid reasons behind going for a general sales tax rather than VMT assessments, gas tax hikes , or specific ownership fees, even though they are more logically tied to road usage and would not dip into traditional municipal revenue sources. I'd be happy to provide some background. Here's the link:

Marjorie over 6 years ago

Attended my first Rocky Flats Stewardship Council meeting yesterday. Was an interesting experience. More info forthcoming.

JimDale over 6 years ago

Just signed up for a DRCOG briefing addressing Affordble Housing on Shared Housing on Feb 28.

JimDale over 6 years ago
Here is just one article on the possibilities for expanding the electorate. There is lots more info out there.

Marjorie over 6 years ago


Councilor Reed and I attended on 26 & 27 Jan 2018

Notes/Key Learning Point – my perspectives
1. Ask Why (and often) AND Be an Extraordinary Listener
2. Build Coalitions, Relationships, Consensus
3. Be formal on the dais – Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, Councilor
4. We (the Council) serve as “Owners” not Managers (Staff)
5. Prepare, Be Prepared – ie Read Your Packet, understand the city charter etc. Show up, Be Informed!
6. Be present and tolerant during Public Comment
7. Get to know your peers in Neighboring jurisdictions
8. Focus on important issues (Policy, Budget, 100,000 foot view, etc)and stay out of the “weeds”
9. Use your best judgement and balance in Decision Making.
10. Take your responsibilities seriously not yourself (Don’t state/restate your “Qualifications”)
11. Don’t take criticism personally!
12. Curiosity (Ask) and Courage (based on facts) are both very important -but know your limiations
13. After the vote, buy in & support the Body/Council
14. Perception is Reality (my wording). Perception is “everything”. Think about:
a. Body language!
b. Facial expressions
c. Dress
d. Family
e. Social Media (Be careful when you “Say” SEND (SEE Easy Guide to Facebook -NLC)
f. Bad/Terrible Habits:
i. Repeating yourself
ii. Saying, “you know me” (Qualifications)
iii. Saying, “I’ve talked to a lot of people”
iv. Blaming in public
v. Having to respond all the time
16. Some Cities have Public Comment twice: at the beginning and end of their meetings….
17. Be Civil, Listen, Respectful (My take: “Know when to hold them. Know when to fold them. Know when to walk away. Know when to run” Kenny Rodgers, The gambler song.
18. At Retreat: be Strategic
19. Use/Have a Dashboard focused on the big “Ends” (Vision 2030) for the City -Consider Telephone Townhalls

JimDale over 6 years ago

Hi Council: In case you missed it, the new Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan that Governor Hickenlooper released yesterday makes for a very interesting read. I would be very interested to hear if staff, the Sustainability Board, and MTAB have thoughts on how Golden might help support the goals of the plan (and maybe receive some grant money for a fast charging station near I70, one of our State highways, or even along the Lariat Loop Scenic Byway!)

CaseyBrown over 6 years ago

This is a post so that I get posts.

Marjorie over 6 years ago

For those of you interest in the economic impact of short term rentals and what other communities are doing, you might take a look at this article:

Rob Reed over 6 years ago

Notes from the 1/22/18 DDA meeting.
1. Legacy Projects Discussion with GURA. DDA met with representatives from GURA for a conversation about the possible use of the “Downtown Legacy Fund” consisting of surplus funds following the completion of GURA’s downtown project at the end of 2014. Various investment ideas were discussed, with affordable housing and solar (or related sustainability ideas) coming to the fore as opportunities. The ongoing conversation within the Golden Community Investment Forum was referenced as was the need to identify high-level priorities against which to sort the many ideas.
2. Washington Avenue project design. DDA and GURA have jointly committed up to $200,000 to extend and enhance the Washington Avenue project from 6th St across SH 58 to 7th St. Designs plans were reviewed and discussed.
3. 2018 Work Plan. Accomplishments from 2017 and plans for 2018 were reviewed.
Community Partnering Application. An application to facilitate and standardize funding requests were reviewed.
4. Project Updates: The 8th Street and 12th Street sidewalk projects are nearly complete. Landscaping will be installed along 8th Street this spring. For 12th Street, the larger tree grates will be delivered in February.

SaoirseCharisGraves over 6 years ago

Thought you might be interested in this article. It seems like an innovative way to support both renters and homeowners who are experiencing high energy bills.

"An energy bill more than 6% of a household’s income is considered unaffordable. In parts of the U.S., many of the poorest families pay as much as 20%. DeAndrea Salvador wants to change that by advocating for inclusive renewable-energy initiatives."

SaoirseCharisGraves over 6 years ago

Notes from the 15 Jan 18 Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) meeting:
DRCOG Transportation Improvement Plan/Program for a new regional share policy and funding allocation
a. 2020 -2023
b. approximately $230M in funds
c. Portland Oregon RCOG uses a 50 50 share
c. DRCOG staff recommended 30% Regional & 70% Subregional shares
d. By a vote of 22 to 20, 20% & 80% shares were passed
1. Winter Bike to Work Transportation- Feb 9; goggle/search this topic for more info
2. DRCOG is moving in May to 17th Street
3. DRCOG Awards Banquet
a. Apr 25th
b. Specifics on these major awards at
c. Do we have any Goldenites that should be nominated?
4. Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in the DRCOG area continued to increase in 2017
5.Transportation Funding Ballot Initiative
a. Prime sponsor are the Denver Chamber of Commerce & Transportation contractors
b. Nov 2018 ballot
c. DRCOG staff is providing input to this effort

JimDale over 6 years ago

Golden's long-standing growth ordinance has been working for our needs and this initiative that places a growth restriction at the county level could impact our ability to manage our own process. Below is a summary I received from our JCBL lobbyist in response to questions raised at JEDC.

The initiative is currently being challenged before the Colorado Supreme Court on a number of grounds. Note this is a statutory change, not constitutional. In brief summary:

** The growth of residential housing units in the 10 largest counties (including Jefferson County), including in all municipalities in that county, shall not exceed 1% over the previous year in 2019 and 2020.

** A housing unit is a single family home or one apartment.

** Starting in 2021, that limit may be repealed or amended by the voters, but not by a city council or county commission. Otherwise the limit stays in effect.

** Statewide, voters may limit housing growth by initiative at any local government level. A county-wide initiative would apply to all municipalities in that county.

** No new housing permits may be issued at all between the passage of Initiative 66 and January 1, 2019.

** Any initiative to enact, repeal or amend a growth limit must have signatures from 5% of the voters in the most recent general election.

Here is a link to the language:

Laura Weinberg over 6 years ago

NLC ACTION ALERT - (1/21 deadline) - BROADBAND
I have added my name to this letter as Broadband continues to be an important issue in Golden and cities (and states) need to have local control. See the summary and the link to sign the letter below.

Next week, the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee will meet in Washington, DC to debate recommendations to the FCC on state and local authority over broadband infrastructure and wireless siting.

The local officials represented on this group need your help to fight preemption, combat the narrative that cities would rather extract revenues from broadband providers than ensure service for their residents, and to call for more federal focus on investment and digital inclusion.

To support these local officials, add your name to a letter to the leadership of the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee no later than January 21. This letter will be used during and after the meeting to demonstrate support from local governments around the country for local decisionmaking and protection of local residents and public property.

Laura Weinberg over 6 years ago


CaseyBrown over 6 years ago
Page last updated: 06 Jun 2024, 01:22 PM