Transportation Master Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Transportation Master Plan Adopted and Approved

The Golden community has its first Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to guide us into the future. The Plan was unanimously approved by Planning Commission in December of 2019, with final approval granted by City Council on Jan. 23, 2020. Much like the City of Golden Comprehensive Plan, the TMP provides a vision to guide future development within the City of Golden, but with a specific focus on transportation.

The TMP is a strategic document designed to guide transportation decisions within the fiscal constraints of the City’s budget and limited state and federal funding opportunities. All ideas and decisions must factor in the Plan’s specific community goals and values, which were gathered through a lengthy outreach process in 2018 - 2019. The community was pivotal in determining the Plan’s goals and values, and over 300 Golden residents contributed. They include:

  • Balancing regional mobility and community quality of life
  • Community connectivity, comfortand safety
  • Transit convenience

Tier 1 projects are viewed as those projects that address all three criteria mentioned above. Tier 2 projects satisfy at least two of these challenges. Tier 3 projects address one of the challenges and they are typically the least expensive projects. The City will strive to balance its pursuit of projects and programs from each tier, keeping in mind the mobility vision, core values, and success measures outlined in the TMP.

At the beginning of each planning cycle City staff, with assistance from the Planning Commission, will identify a list of priority projects, programs, or policies that score the highest based on the factors identified above. Then, the Mobility and Transportation Advisory Board will assist staff in putting the prioritized projects into motion. At the end of each planning cycle (planning year), staff will present to City Council a status report on each of the projects identified in the priority list.

Several projects and programs have already been determined. You can see the full TMP in the document center for this page. We are excited about the momentum established during the creation of the Transportation Master Plan and are eager to keep it going into 2020 and beyond!

Final Draft Complete and Ready for Approval

Thank you to those who provided comments on the first draft of the TMP. Those comments have now been integrated into the plan draft, along with edits provided by the Planning Commission, City Council, and Mobility & Transportation Advisory Board. The next step will be for the Planning Commission to review the updated draft for adoption. The public hearing to complete this step is scheduled of Wednesday, December 18th at 6:30pm in the City Council chambers. Pending adoption by Commission, the plan is scheduled to be reviewed before City Council on January 23rd for final approval. Please feel free to take a look at the most current draft, available in the documents and at the link below.

Draft Complete

The initial draft of the Transportation Master Plan is complete. Please see the description provided below, and let us know what you think!

A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) will provide a long-term multimodal transportation vision for the City of Golden. The Plan, when adopted, will function as a reliable 5-7 year road map for future transportation investments throughout the City. The goals of the TMP will be more strategic, incorporating new technologies and the evolving shared economy, to outline future transportation investments focused on improving mobility and access for all modes of travel in a way that is safe and convenient while minimizing congestion and associated impacts.

A purpose of the TMP is to equitably address the transportation challenges facing the City in a strategic manner within the fiscal constraints of the City’s budget and limited state and federal funding. The TMP will be coordinated with regional plans and investments, striking a balance between community livability and mobility.

Participation and input is critical to the success of this project. The Plan will be developed over the next 12 months with many opportunities for your involvement. The first opportunity for feedback is a quick poll where you can prioritize the topic areas that we will focus on during the TMP development.

Transportation Master Plan Adopted and Approved

The Golden community has its first Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to guide us into the future. The Plan was unanimously approved by Planning Commission in December of 2019, with final approval granted by City Council on Jan. 23, 2020. Much like the City of Golden Comprehensive Plan, the TMP provides a vision to guide future development within the City of Golden, but with a specific focus on transportation.

The TMP is a strategic document designed to guide transportation decisions within the fiscal constraints of the City’s budget and limited state and federal funding opportunities. All ideas and decisions must factor in the Plan’s specific community goals and values, which were gathered through a lengthy outreach process in 2018 - 2019. The community was pivotal in determining the Plan’s goals and values, and over 300 Golden residents contributed. They include:

  • Balancing regional mobility and community quality of life
  • Community connectivity, comfortand safety
  • Transit convenience

Tier 1 projects are viewed as those projects that address all three criteria mentioned above. Tier 2 projects satisfy at least two of these challenges. Tier 3 projects address one of the challenges and they are typically the least expensive projects. The City will strive to balance its pursuit of projects and programs from each tier, keeping in mind the mobility vision, core values, and success measures outlined in the TMP.

At the beginning of each planning cycle City staff, with assistance from the Planning Commission, will identify a list of priority projects, programs, or policies that score the highest based on the factors identified above. Then, the Mobility and Transportation Advisory Board will assist staff in putting the prioritized projects into motion. At the end of each planning cycle (planning year), staff will present to City Council a status report on each of the projects identified in the priority list.

Several projects and programs have already been determined. You can see the full TMP in the document center for this page. We are excited about the momentum established during the creation of the Transportation Master Plan and are eager to keep it going into 2020 and beyond!

Final Draft Complete and Ready for Approval

Thank you to those who provided comments on the first draft of the TMP. Those comments have now been integrated into the plan draft, along with edits provided by the Planning Commission, City Council, and Mobility & Transportation Advisory Board. The next step will be for the Planning Commission to review the updated draft for adoption. The public hearing to complete this step is scheduled of Wednesday, December 18th at 6:30pm in the City Council chambers. Pending adoption by Commission, the plan is scheduled to be reviewed before City Council on January 23rd for final approval. Please feel free to take a look at the most current draft, available in the documents and at the link below.

Draft Complete

The initial draft of the Transportation Master Plan is complete. Please see the description provided below, and let us know what you think!

A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) will provide a long-term multimodal transportation vision for the City of Golden. The Plan, when adopted, will function as a reliable 5-7 year road map for future transportation investments throughout the City. The goals of the TMP will be more strategic, incorporating new technologies and the evolving shared economy, to outline future transportation investments focused on improving mobility and access for all modes of travel in a way that is safe and convenient while minimizing congestion and associated impacts.

A purpose of the TMP is to equitably address the transportation challenges facing the City in a strategic manner within the fiscal constraints of the City’s budget and limited state and federal funding. The TMP will be coordinated with regional plans and investments, striking a balance between community livability and mobility.

Participation and input is critical to the success of this project. The Plan will be developed over the next 12 months with many opportunities for your involvement. The first opportunity for feedback is a quick poll where you can prioritize the topic areas that we will focus on during the TMP development.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thanks for taking our transportation survey!

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for your participation in this poll as we begin the process of the Transportation Master Plan development.

    Consultation has concluded
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