PC23-26 - Site Development Plan - The Col 17270 W. Colfax Avenue - Under Construction

The Col Site Development Plan for a mixed use building has been approved by the Director of Community Development on December 7, 2023.
The purpose of the site development plan review for The Col is to ensure all the technical requirements that were part of the zoning are demonstrated and complied with. The review also includes the applicable sections of Title 18 of the Golden Municipal Code. The PUD/ODP details the prescriptive requirements for the project such as land uses, parking, open space, architectural specifics, setbacks, height, and landscaping. The PUD/ODP was tailored to the site’s unique characteristics along W. Colfax Avenue and a mixture of uses. After a public engagement process that included neighborhood meetings and a public hearing at Planning Commission on May 5, 2023, the PUD/ODP was approved by City Council on July 25, 2023.
The subject request is for a site plan approval for property addressed 17270 W. Colfax Avenue located on the south end of Golden. It is on the south side of Colfax between Corporate Drive and Violet St, north of the Interstate Denver West Business Park. The property is mostly surrounded by commercial / light industrial uses, with the exception of a small townhome development to the east on the other side of Corporate Drive. The property is a 3.53 acre lot, zoned Planned Unit Development/Official Development Plan (PUD/ODP).
The PUD/ODP allows for a mixed use development, including multi-family residential when at least 5 percent of the gross square footage is designed for nonresidential use, with a maximum height of 50 feet. The applicant, Confluence Companies, LLC, is proposing a three and four story structure, with a 55,675 footprint, which totals 36% lot coverage. The proposed uses are residential and commercial, which include multi-family and boarding house (congregate living) units, a restaurant, and a café. The commercial uses equal approximately 5% of the total gross floor area of the building. A complete memorandum detailing the approval and all attachments are found below:
Site Development Plan, Elevations & Lighting Plan
Letter regarding Drainage and Grading-Engineering Department