Arts and Culture Master Plan
Consultation has concluded

September 2023 Update
On September 26, 2023, the draft Arts and Culture Strategic Master Plan was presented to City Council. The draft document was updated based on comments at the August 29, 2023 community meeting. The most immediate recommendations in the plan include the creation of an Arts and Culture Advisory Board to champion arts and culture in the community and advise City Council and the designation of a staff liaison dedicated to arts and culture in the community. City Council considered the plan recommendations and accepted the final report.
Over the coming months, City Council will consider the plan recommendations and may address the Advisory Board establishment early in 2024, along with necessary changes for the Public Art Commission and Parks, Recreation and Museums Advisory Board. Residents are encouraged to read the final plan document and to stay involved in future implementation efforts.
Golden is home to cultural institutions that inspire connections within the community. Arts and culture play an important role in the city’s economy, improve quality of life, and educate and enlighten people living and visiting Golden.
With this in mind, the City of Golden has engaged Keen Independent to create an Arts and Culture Strategic Master Plan, which will serve as a framework for cultivating art, culture and creativity in Golden. Keen Independent is a national research firm that combines expertise in equity and economics with lived arts and cultural leadership. The study team will conduct extensive stakeholder and community engagement, visit and document Golden’s cultural assets and assess the City's needs to complete the plan by August 2023.
Community Discovery Meeting
Residents of Golden participated in a discovery meeting on Tuesday, April 18, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Golden Community Center to learn more about the study and provide input through different family-friendly brainstorming activities.
Those who were unable to participate in the public meeting or virtual workshop may provide input to Keen Independent by phone or email:
- Call the study hotline: (720) 515-1654
- Email the study
Community Presentation with draft plan
Following the April community meeting and virtual workshop, the consultants from Keen Independent carefully reviewed community input and relevant plans and documents from the City and produced an Arts & Culture Strategic Master Plan draft, which they shared with the community during a Community Meeting on Tuesday, August 29, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers (911 10th St).
Questions about the Arts and Culture Master Plan and/or the planning process? Ask here and we'll get back to you with an answer.