APPROVED PC 24-01 - Form Zone Site Plan- 810 Partridge Circle - 21 Day FZSP Notice

The Director has approved an application for a new home located at 810 Partridge Circle following the Suburban House Form Type Standards. Two minor adjustments related to the sidewalk width and landscaping strip were approved simultaneously with this request.
If the Director approves a form zone site development plan, the approval shall not be deemed final, and building permits shall not be issued unless and until the written decision and the complete application materials (including all exhibits and supplemental materials) have been posted for 21 days on the city’s website and the decision has not been called up for Planning Commission review by City Council.
Two members of City Council may initiate a Call-Up of the Director’s decision by filing a written request for a Call-Up with the City Clerk on or before 21 days after the written decision and complete application materials are published to the city’s website. If a Call-Up is initiated, Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing within 30 days after the written request was filed with the City Clerk to determine whether the subject site development plan complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 18.29.
The Code requires that the written decision posted on the city’s website include a written analysis of the approval criteria. This staff report constitutes the written decision required by the Code.