PC 23-27 - SDP Review Phase 1 Site Development Plan- Clayworks 800 Ford St - Under Construction
Now called Clayworks, the site development plan for the first building of the CoorsTek 9th Street ODP/PUD is scheduled for Planning Commission on June 5, 2024 at 6:30pm at City Council Chambers located at 911 10th Street. The subject request is for a site plan approval for a four story, 181,503 square foot office and retail building with public plazas, parking, and improvements to 8th and 9th Streets. The new building includes portions of buildings preserved on the site. The 176,916 square foot property (4.06 acres) is a portion of the CoorsTek 9th Street ODP/PUD. The proposed SDP is part of Phase 1 of the project, but does not complete Phase 1 in square footage (250,000 square feet of building area).