2019 Community Food Assessment Report

In 2018, the Hunger Free Golden (HFG) community collaborative gathered data to drive a comprehensive food assessment, including hosting a Community Conversation, surveying over two hundred residents, working with Colorado School of Mines students to better identify barriers and potential solutions, partnering with Jefferson County Public Health and Five Points Geoplanning LLC to create demographic maps and other performance indicators, and gathering metrics from the collaborative partners.
At the beginning of 2019, HFG began working with an independent consultant, Sophie Oppenheimer, to write a comprehensive food assessment report for Golden based on the data already collected in order to:
1. Better understand the barriers to food access in the Golden community
2. Identify the resources and opportunities that exist to provide affordable and accessible healthy food to the Golden community
3. Identify potential solutions for reducing hunger and food insecurity
The findings and recommendations presented in this report, completed in June, will guide HFG in determining their priorities and selecting the best approaches for addressing hunger and food insecurity in Golden.
Consultation has concluded