Ask Golden

Have you heard a rumor in the community or just curious about something going on in town? We're here to help! Post your questions and a City Staff member will provide accurate and up-to-date information and answers.
Have you heard a rumor in the community or just curious about something going on in town? We're here to help! Post your questions and a City Staff member will provide accurate and up-to-date information and answers.
Share What is source of chemical odor in air Friday night 1/17 and again this morning 1/18. How and where to report air quality issues? on Facebook Share What is source of chemical odor in air Friday night 1/17 and again this morning 1/18. How and where to report air quality issues? on Twitter Share What is source of chemical odor in air Friday night 1/17 and again this morning 1/18. How and where to report air quality issues? on Linkedin Email What is source of chemical odor in air Friday night 1/17 and again this morning 1/18. How and where to report air quality issues? link
What is source of chemical odor in air Friday night 1/17 and again this morning 1/18. How and where to report air quality issues?
J&DShekiro asked about 1 month agoIf the odors that you are smelling are near 44th Avenue, that is from the Coors brewery process wastewater treatment plant. The plant treats wastewater from the brewery, not sewage, although that's not a distinction that's easy to make based on the smell. Golden does not operate the plant, contribute wastewater to the plant, or regulate the plant - it is, in fact, located outside the city. If that is the source of the smell, we recommend contacting Coors directly. Coors has an odor hotline to receive complaints related to the plant. The number for the hotline is 303-277-2112. Please call the hotline whenever you are bothered by odors from the plant - and please share the hotline number with friends and neighbors.
If the smell is coming from somewhere other than the Coord plant, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has a partnership with Jefferson County for air pollution control matters - they have equipment that can measure odors to evaluate compliance. You can contact them at 303-232-6301.
Share In my article about South Table Mountain / Lubahn Trail that was published yesterday on Barb Warden's, I recommended the Path to Play page of Guiding Golden as a place for the villagers to engage with the city on the future Open Space Master Plan. Imagine my surprise this morning to find that the page has been gutted, leaving neither any place to comment nor identification of any person listening. What is the plan? Will the city continue to use Guiding Golden for citizen input on the Park&Rec plan and the Open Space Master Plan? Or is it a dead letter? on Facebook Share In my article about South Table Mountain / Lubahn Trail that was published yesterday on Barb Warden's, I recommended the Path to Play page of Guiding Golden as a place for the villagers to engage with the city on the future Open Space Master Plan. Imagine my surprise this morning to find that the page has been gutted, leaving neither any place to comment nor identification of any person listening. What is the plan? Will the city continue to use Guiding Golden for citizen input on the Park&Rec plan and the Open Space Master Plan? Or is it a dead letter? on Twitter Share In my article about South Table Mountain / Lubahn Trail that was published yesterday on Barb Warden's, I recommended the Path to Play page of Guiding Golden as a place for the villagers to engage with the city on the future Open Space Master Plan. Imagine my surprise this morning to find that the page has been gutted, leaving neither any place to comment nor identification of any person listening. What is the plan? Will the city continue to use Guiding Golden for citizen input on the Park&Rec plan and the Open Space Master Plan? Or is it a dead letter? on Linkedin Email In my article about South Table Mountain / Lubahn Trail that was published yesterday on Barb Warden's, I recommended the Path to Play page of Guiding Golden as a place for the villagers to engage with the city on the future Open Space Master Plan. Imagine my surprise this morning to find that the page has been gutted, leaving neither any place to comment nor identification of any person listening. What is the plan? Will the city continue to use Guiding Golden for citizen input on the Park&Rec plan and the Open Space Master Plan? Or is it a dead letter? link
In my article about South Table Mountain / Lubahn Trail that was published yesterday on Barb Warden's, I recommended the Path to Play page of Guiding Golden as a place for the villagers to engage with the city on the future Open Space Master Plan. Imagine my surprise this morning to find that the page has been gutted, leaving neither any place to comment nor identification of any person listening. What is the plan? Will the city continue to use Guiding Golden for citizen input on the Park&Rec plan and the Open Space Master Plan? Or is it a dead letter?
Mudflats47 asked 3 months agoThank you for your message. The City's primary public engagement and survey opportunities for the master planning projects are complete, and staff and consultants are now working to review and analyze this information. The Path to Play page will soon be updated with more information on next steps for both master plan projects.
Share I just found out that 92 houses are being built off the C-470 and I-70 interchange at what I thought was open space. I have a house in Golden Heights that backs to this area. I am furious. I walk these trails daily to hike Green Mountain. The reason I bought my house was to enjoy the open space my house allows. I didn't know the city could just take over open space for financial gain. Are you going to take over Green Mountain next? I am completely disappointed in the city I call home. on Facebook Share I just found out that 92 houses are being built off the C-470 and I-70 interchange at what I thought was open space. I have a house in Golden Heights that backs to this area. I am furious. I walk these trails daily to hike Green Mountain. The reason I bought my house was to enjoy the open space my house allows. I didn't know the city could just take over open space for financial gain. Are you going to take over Green Mountain next? I am completely disappointed in the city I call home. on Twitter Share I just found out that 92 houses are being built off the C-470 and I-70 interchange at what I thought was open space. I have a house in Golden Heights that backs to this area. I am furious. I walk these trails daily to hike Green Mountain. The reason I bought my house was to enjoy the open space my house allows. I didn't know the city could just take over open space for financial gain. Are you going to take over Green Mountain next? I am completely disappointed in the city I call home. on Linkedin Email I just found out that 92 houses are being built off the C-470 and I-70 interchange at what I thought was open space. I have a house in Golden Heights that backs to this area. I am furious. I walk these trails daily to hike Green Mountain. The reason I bought my house was to enjoy the open space my house allows. I didn't know the city could just take over open space for financial gain. Are you going to take over Green Mountain next? I am completely disappointed in the city I call home. link
I just found out that 92 houses are being built off the C-470 and I-70 interchange at what I thought was open space. I have a house in Golden Heights that backs to this area. I am furious. I walk these trails daily to hike Green Mountain. The reason I bought my house was to enjoy the open space my house allows. I didn't know the city could just take over open space for financial gain. Are you going to take over Green Mountain next? I am completely disappointed in the city I call home.
cschlote320 asked 3 months ago
The residential development of the Overlook property was approved by the City of Golden in 2008 for 92 single family lots and has only recently begun development by a new buyer. The development is free to proceed because the privately owned land is zoned, and platted for residential uses. Work on the development has been underway since 2023. The property has never been owned as public open space, unlike Green Mountain which is owned by the City of Lakewood. The future project will include a new trail connection through the neighborhood to access the adjacent open space property and connect the regional trail. Find out more information about the project here: Simmons, Senior Planner
Share How can a group of citizens propose that stairs be built from 8th Street (just east of the community center) to Lion's Park. Right now, there is a steep dirt path regularly used. Many of us at West 8th and Basecamp want to propose. Thank you. on Facebook Share How can a group of citizens propose that stairs be built from 8th Street (just east of the community center) to Lion's Park. Right now, there is a steep dirt path regularly used. Many of us at West 8th and Basecamp want to propose. Thank you. on Twitter Share How can a group of citizens propose that stairs be built from 8th Street (just east of the community center) to Lion's Park. Right now, there is a steep dirt path regularly used. Many of us at West 8th and Basecamp want to propose. Thank you. on Linkedin Email How can a group of citizens propose that stairs be built from 8th Street (just east of the community center) to Lion's Park. Right now, there is a steep dirt path regularly used. Many of us at West 8th and Basecamp want to propose. Thank you. link
How can a group of citizens propose that stairs be built from 8th Street (just east of the community center) to Lion's Park. Right now, there is a steep dirt path regularly used. Many of us at West 8th and Basecamp want to propose. Thank you.
jbiernat46 asked 4 months agoThank you for your inquiry.
The city is already working on a way to create ADA access between 8th and 10th on the west side of the Canyon Gate Apartments, as well as also exploring the stairs option on the east side of the GCC. However, creating ADA access is our priority and we don’t want to build stairs without first building a connection that will work for everyone (i.e. either ADA trail AND stairs or just ADA trail, depending on the cost).
We are aware that both the GCC social trail and the one to the west of Canyon Gate are both heavily used by the community, so we are absolutely trying to make both work, however navigating the grades/slope and providing for ADA access are complicated and it will likely be a very expensive project to complete; both these factors could impact timelines for completion of this project. However, staff are actively working on this endeavor and we hope to keep making progress towards this access and are hopeful we can move into design processes soon.
Share Is the City of Golden open space and recreation survey from ETC Research, advertised to me on Instagram, a legitimate survey? They ask for my address at the end and I’m not comfortable giving it without knowing it’s legit. Thank you! on Facebook Share Is the City of Golden open space and recreation survey from ETC Research, advertised to me on Instagram, a legitimate survey? They ask for my address at the end and I’m not comfortable giving it without knowing it’s legit. Thank you! on Twitter Share Is the City of Golden open space and recreation survey from ETC Research, advertised to me on Instagram, a legitimate survey? They ask for my address at the end and I’m not comfortable giving it without knowing it’s legit. Thank you! on Linkedin Email Is the City of Golden open space and recreation survey from ETC Research, advertised to me on Instagram, a legitimate survey? They ask for my address at the end and I’m not comfortable giving it without knowing it’s legit. Thank you! link
Is the City of Golden open space and recreation survey from ETC Research, advertised to me on Instagram, a legitimate survey? They ask for my address at the end and I’m not comfortable giving it without knowing it’s legit. Thank you!
lkolo25 asked 4 months agoThanks for the question! Yes, this survey from ETC Research is legitimate. They are the vendor who is subcontracted to oversee the statistically valid and online public surveys for the Open Space and Parks & Rec Master Plan projects.
Share What is the status of the project to redo the 6th and Heritage Pkwy interchange? I use this interchange as a pedestrian every morning as part of my commute and it is an unpleasant and at times dangerous place. The most recent information I can find on Golden's website is that "consultation has concluded" as of November 2022. I would like to see the City invest in more infrastructure to encourage non-motorized transportation as part of the overall sustainability efforts. As a short-term fix, would it be possible to add flashing signs or similar reminding/warning drivers to watch for pedestrians? People coming off of 6th at highway speeds and turning right onto Heritage or Jefferson County Pkwy (depending on their direction of travel) who don't have to stop almost never yield to pedestrians in the crosswalks. The orientation of the road with the rising sun makes this particularly dangerous in the mornings for pedestrians crossing 6th from Heritage to Jefferson County Pkwy. on Facebook Share What is the status of the project to redo the 6th and Heritage Pkwy interchange? I use this interchange as a pedestrian every morning as part of my commute and it is an unpleasant and at times dangerous place. The most recent information I can find on Golden's website is that "consultation has concluded" as of November 2022. I would like to see the City invest in more infrastructure to encourage non-motorized transportation as part of the overall sustainability efforts. As a short-term fix, would it be possible to add flashing signs or similar reminding/warning drivers to watch for pedestrians? People coming off of 6th at highway speeds and turning right onto Heritage or Jefferson County Pkwy (depending on their direction of travel) who don't have to stop almost never yield to pedestrians in the crosswalks. The orientation of the road with the rising sun makes this particularly dangerous in the mornings for pedestrians crossing 6th from Heritage to Jefferson County Pkwy. on Twitter Share What is the status of the project to redo the 6th and Heritage Pkwy interchange? I use this interchange as a pedestrian every morning as part of my commute and it is an unpleasant and at times dangerous place. The most recent information I can find on Golden's website is that "consultation has concluded" as of November 2022. I would like to see the City invest in more infrastructure to encourage non-motorized transportation as part of the overall sustainability efforts. As a short-term fix, would it be possible to add flashing signs or similar reminding/warning drivers to watch for pedestrians? People coming off of 6th at highway speeds and turning right onto Heritage or Jefferson County Pkwy (depending on their direction of travel) who don't have to stop almost never yield to pedestrians in the crosswalks. The orientation of the road with the rising sun makes this particularly dangerous in the mornings for pedestrians crossing 6th from Heritage to Jefferson County Pkwy. on Linkedin Email What is the status of the project to redo the 6th and Heritage Pkwy interchange? I use this interchange as a pedestrian every morning as part of my commute and it is an unpleasant and at times dangerous place. The most recent information I can find on Golden's website is that "consultation has concluded" as of November 2022. I would like to see the City invest in more infrastructure to encourage non-motorized transportation as part of the overall sustainability efforts. As a short-term fix, would it be possible to add flashing signs or similar reminding/warning drivers to watch for pedestrians? People coming off of 6th at highway speeds and turning right onto Heritage or Jefferson County Pkwy (depending on their direction of travel) who don't have to stop almost never yield to pedestrians in the crosswalks. The orientation of the road with the rising sun makes this particularly dangerous in the mornings for pedestrians crossing 6th from Heritage to Jefferson County Pkwy. link
What is the status of the project to redo the 6th and Heritage Pkwy interchange? I use this interchange as a pedestrian every morning as part of my commute and it is an unpleasant and at times dangerous place. The most recent information I can find on Golden's website is that "consultation has concluded" as of November 2022. I would like to see the City invest in more infrastructure to encourage non-motorized transportation as part of the overall sustainability efforts. As a short-term fix, would it be possible to add flashing signs or similar reminding/warning drivers to watch for pedestrians? People coming off of 6th at highway speeds and turning right onto Heritage or Jefferson County Pkwy (depending on their direction of travel) who don't have to stop almost never yield to pedestrians in the crosswalks. The orientation of the road with the rising sun makes this particularly dangerous in the mornings for pedestrians crossing 6th from Heritage to Jefferson County Pkwy.
lbhendricks asked 4 months agoThank you for your question. Per our Engineering Department, the design for the interchange is complete. The design does include a pedestrian bridge that will preclude vehicle and pedestrian conflict points. The first phase of construction is set to begin in early 2025 and involve relocation of utilities to make way for the interchange excavation. City staff continues to seek funding for the overall interchange construction. Interchange construction timing is not yet determined. ~ Rheana Rogers, Executive Administrative Manager
Share Thank you for adding the bike lane and the crosswalk along Illinois St in the Jefferson County campus area! However, cars often don't stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk (between the Jeffco Health and Human Services and Open Space buildings). Many people are using this crossing but it seems that drivers are not aware of this. At a minimum, a sign alerting drivers to the new crosswalk would help. I suspect this is a location that would benefit from a permanent pedestrian crossing flashing light. How can we make this a safer place for everyone? on Facebook Share Thank you for adding the bike lane and the crosswalk along Illinois St in the Jefferson County campus area! However, cars often don't stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk (between the Jeffco Health and Human Services and Open Space buildings). Many people are using this crossing but it seems that drivers are not aware of this. At a minimum, a sign alerting drivers to the new crosswalk would help. I suspect this is a location that would benefit from a permanent pedestrian crossing flashing light. How can we make this a safer place for everyone? on Twitter Share Thank you for adding the bike lane and the crosswalk along Illinois St in the Jefferson County campus area! However, cars often don't stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk (between the Jeffco Health and Human Services and Open Space buildings). Many people are using this crossing but it seems that drivers are not aware of this. At a minimum, a sign alerting drivers to the new crosswalk would help. I suspect this is a location that would benefit from a permanent pedestrian crossing flashing light. How can we make this a safer place for everyone? on Linkedin Email Thank you for adding the bike lane and the crosswalk along Illinois St in the Jefferson County campus area! However, cars often don't stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk (between the Jeffco Health and Human Services and Open Space buildings). Many people are using this crossing but it seems that drivers are not aware of this. At a minimum, a sign alerting drivers to the new crosswalk would help. I suspect this is a location that would benefit from a permanent pedestrian crossing flashing light. How can we make this a safer place for everyone? link
Thank you for adding the bike lane and the crosswalk along Illinois St in the Jefferson County campus area! However, cars often don't stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk (between the Jeffco Health and Human Services and Open Space buildings). Many people are using this crossing but it seems that drivers are not aware of this. At a minimum, a sign alerting drivers to the new crosswalk would help. I suspect this is a location that would benefit from a permanent pedestrian crossing flashing light. How can we make this a safer place for everyone?
lbhendricks asked 4 months agoThank you for your inquiry. Staff will review the crosswalk in question and see if addition of RRFB (flashing lights) would improve safety. ~ Rheana Rogers, Executive Administrative Manager
Share Will the city share the results from The Heart of Golden walking tour survey? It would be great read everyone's comments and to see what other community members think about the heart of Golden project. on Facebook Share Will the city share the results from The Heart of Golden walking tour survey? It would be great read everyone's comments and to see what other community members think about the heart of Golden project. on Twitter Share Will the city share the results from The Heart of Golden walking tour survey? It would be great read everyone's comments and to see what other community members think about the heart of Golden project. on Linkedin Email Will the city share the results from The Heart of Golden walking tour survey? It would be great read everyone's comments and to see what other community members think about the heart of Golden project. link
Will the city share the results from The Heart of Golden walking tour survey? It would be great read everyone's comments and to see what other community members think about the heart of Golden project.
JT20 asked 5 months agoStaff is currently compiling all the feedback received and preparing reporting to share what we've learned. Keep an eye out on the Heart of Golden page here on Guiding Golden - all updates will be posted there just as soon as they're available. Also, you can join us at a community meeting being held on October 15 at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Recreation Center - there, we will share feedback gathered from the Next Phase Kickoff Walking Tour.
Share I have heard about the proposed plan for a new city building and my husband and I are extremely concerned about the outrageous cost to Golden. I’ve heard from many others about the same concern. Why is this important and very expensive decision being made without a vote of the citizens of Golden? on Facebook Share I have heard about the proposed plan for a new city building and my husband and I are extremely concerned about the outrageous cost to Golden. I’ve heard from many others about the same concern. Why is this important and very expensive decision being made without a vote of the citizens of Golden? on Twitter Share I have heard about the proposed plan for a new city building and my husband and I are extremely concerned about the outrageous cost to Golden. I’ve heard from many others about the same concern. Why is this important and very expensive decision being made without a vote of the citizens of Golden? on Linkedin Email I have heard about the proposed plan for a new city building and my husband and I are extremely concerned about the outrageous cost to Golden. I’ve heard from many others about the same concern. Why is this important and very expensive decision being made without a vote of the citizens of Golden? link
I have heard about the proposed plan for a new city building and my husband and I are extremely concerned about the outrageous cost to Golden. I’ve heard from many others about the same concern. Why is this important and very expensive decision being made without a vote of the citizens of Golden?
Finesse asked 5 months agoThe Police and Municipal Building project is part of the larger Heart of Golden initiative, and considerable public engagement and conversations have been taking place for many years regarding both projects. The City recently kicked-off a renewed engagement process regarding both the Police and Municipal Building and the broader Heart of Golden with a walking tour on September 18. The tour is just the beginning of our latest engagement effort - we hope you are able to participate and share your feedback on the projects. There will be more opportunities to provide feedback on Guiding Golden and as part of future Guiding Golden outreach efforts this year and next. The next opportunity is coming up at a community meeting being held on October 15 at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Recreation Center, there, we will share feedback gathered from the Next Phase Kickoff Walking Tour.
Share Hello, I have heard about North Ford Street complete streets project, what is this? I can't find much about it online. on Facebook Share Hello, I have heard about North Ford Street complete streets project, what is this? I can't find much about it online. on Twitter Share Hello, I have heard about North Ford Street complete streets project, what is this? I can't find much about it online. on Linkedin Email Hello, I have heard about North Ford Street complete streets project, what is this? I can't find much about it online. link
Hello, I have heard about North Ford Street complete streets project, what is this? I can't find much about it online.
aphilipson asked 5 months agoThe North Ford Complete Street project will examine sidewalk and bike improvements along the street and Tucker and Cressman Gulch Trails. The City has secured a CDOT grant for the design phase, with construction dependent on future grant funding.
Engagement Level
- Inform: City provides timely information and updates to the community..