Ten Recommendations to Promote Affordable Housing in Golden
City of Golden Affordable Housing Committee Final Recommendations
**Recommendation 1:
Exempt permanently affordable housing units serving rental households averaging 60% AMI and homeownership households averaging 100% AMI from the requirement to obtain allocations under the Growth Ordinance.
Recommendation 2:
Bank unused allocations, both historically and on an ongoing basis, allowing City Staff to reserve allocations in support of permanently affordable housing for households with an average AMI of up to 120%.
**Recommendation 3:
Reduce the parking requirements to 1 space per unit for permanently affordable multifamily rental units serving households with an average AMI of 60% or lower. Reduce the parking requirements to 1 space per unit for permanently affordable multifamily homeownership units serving households with an average AMI of 80% or lower.
**Recommendation 4:
Exempt the 25% commercial requirement completely for 100% permanently affordable housing properties serving rental households with an average AMI of 60% and homeownership households with an average AMI of 100%.
Recommendation 5:
For properties which include market rate units, allow a waiver or Special Use Permit process to reduce or eliminate the 25% commercial requirement in exchange for permanently affordable housing. Direct staff to develop a process with specific criteria for review, which would take into consideration other City planning goals supporting mixed use and commercial development.
**Recommendation 6:
The Affordable Housing Committee recommends City Council include language on the November 2023 election ballot which allows the exemption of affordable housing, as defined by the Housing Trust Fund Ordinance, from Section 11.5 of the City Charter.
Recommendation 7:
Direct staff to investigate opportunities to provide a permanent, ongoing source of funding to the affordable housing trust fund which could include annual funding by the City or fees or contributions made through other programs.
**Recommendation 8:
Direct staff to work with stakeholders on the design of a Rental Registry program with the goal of better understanding the conditions of rental housing in Golden as well as renter characteristics.
**Recommendation 9:
Direct staff to work with affordable housing developers and other stakeholders to identify sources of funding which will offset the increased cost of City of Golden Sustainability requirements. Until such time as funding can be identified, allow 100% affordable housing properties serving households averaging 60% AMI for rental or 100% AMI for homeownership, to apply for a waiver from the on-site renewables’ requirements.
Recommendation 10:
Direct staff to research and develop a proposed program which would identify and utilize funding to create and protect affordable housing opportunities through buy-downs and deed restrictions.
**Starred recommendations in green represent those chosen by Golden City Council as priorities.