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Results with street closures
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Golden Building Blocks
Enter to win the Golden Building Blocks raffle* just by uploading at least one photo of a Golden building or street, with a brief description of why it exemplifies Golden’s “small town character.”
CoorsTek Rezoning
Commercial), and M-2 (General Industrial) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) with an Official Development Plan (ODP) for a mixed-use redevelopment and an alley vacation for the CoorsTek site, located generally at 600 9th Street.
2019-2020 Biennial Budget Process
A good portion of the budget is always used to maintain our existing infrastructure, including water systems, street repair, snow plowing and parks.
Historic Preservation Policy Study
tools needed to accomplish those intended outcomes and outline how those changes could be made to City policies, ordinances and guiding documents.Historic Preservation Board-Plan Review and Discussion: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 6:30 pm (911 10th Street
City of Golden Zoning Code Update
Staff has chosen three form types in three form zones to test these outcomes:Main Street B-Main Street Urban Wide Form TypeSee how the code could potentially redevelop the northwestern corner of Ford and 13th Streets:Main Street A-Main Street Wide Form
Ore Cart Service & Transit Planning
RTD continues to operate the 17 (formerly the 16) bus route between the Oak Street W Line station and Downtown Golden via South Golden Road.
Golden Takes Bold Action to Protect Community Over Holiday Weekend
Parts of Washington Avenue (the main downtown street) will be blocked to vehicle traffic so that restaurants and retailers can take full advantage of outdoor seating opportunities.
HPB21-05 - Certificate of Appropriateness - Astor House 822 12th St - Under Construction
The Board’s input on the proposal: Consider a different façade material for the addition, a material that is present in the 12th Street Historic District.
Phase 2 Commercial Zoning Code Comments
For example, the Main Street Form Types have their design guidelines and standards in, and this covers massing and articulation, porch and balcony characteristics, transparency and blank walls, facade configuration and exterior materials.
A real, on street bike lane uphill on Ford between 10th and 5th and/or a nicer option on Washington are key missing links. , For Washington, a starting point might be sharrows (not my favorite, but better than nothing) on the more gentle part from 10th